Community member had the chance to win a trip for two to Las Vegas at the Chestermere Lifepath Wellness Winter Wellness Expo Nov. 4.
As part of the expo, residents were invited to tour the facility located on Chestermere Station Way, meet the staff and learn about the variety of services offered there.
“[Its a] big dental office…surrounded by complimentary health professionals,” described Jed Snatic, dentist and co-owner of Chestermere Lifepath Wellness.
The wellness centre has been open for over a decade in this location. The centre works well for the staff providing health services but clients don’t always know the services offered there, which is where the wellness expo comes in.
“They come here for like five years and not know we have massage,” said Snatic, “or vice versa they come here for five years for massage and don’t know we have dentistry.”
Lifepath Wellness is one of Chestermere’s business success stories.
“We managed to do it,” he said.
With 30 dental and 15 other treatment rooms, the facility is one of the largest facilities in Canada.
In addition to regular dentists, which includes Snatic, there is a pediatric dentist, orthodontist, endodontist, periodontist and a denture specialist.
Snatic said that it is the size of the facility that has allowed him to attract all of these specialists.
For more information go to http://lifepathwellness.com