Looking Back–Historical Foundation Seeks ‘Country Fair’ Memorabilia

jen p 2016 Anchor July 27 CHF

jen p 2016 Anchor July 27 CHF

The success of the EATON’s display at the library has prompted the Historical Foundation to reach out again to the public to find items that could be loaned for a new display, starting late this summer, with the theme ‘Country Fair.’ The first Fair recorded here in Chestermere was in 1989.  But the history of rural fairs on the prairies and across Canada, goes a long way back.

Do you have anything relating to entries or winnings in a Chestermere Country Fair (we used to call them Bench Shows) or a fair in which you participated from your home town?

Just to show you the perspective of how large and how small country fairs can be, the Calgary Stampede Arts and Crafts is actually just a ‘country fair’ in the old tradition, and as such is just a bit larger than the one we have in Chestermere! The same judging and rules apply.  Alberta Agriculture, in its wisdom, supports fairs all across Alberta, realizing how important it is for us to celebrate the past and also create a future where there are artisans, photographers, agriculturists, cooks, bakers, artists etc. reflecting the culture of rural Canada.

If you have any items which you could loan to the Historical Foundation for this display please contact us preferably before Aug 10th by emailing through our webpage www.chestermerehistory.org or phoning Jen 403 272 3764 or Kay 403 279-1036.  A loan agreement is customary, and CHF has an arrangement with the library with regard to safety and security of all display items.  They are locked in special cabinets.  Realize that we do not have a lot of room, but items that would fit in the cabinet would be appreciated as well as photographs–items do not have to be from a Chestermere fair, any Canadian ‘country fair’ items would be appreciated.  Call if you have any questions!

Thank you for helping us celebrate fall, the bounty of our community, and the history of agricultural country fairs in rural Alberta and Canada.

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