O.K. Club Is In Full Swing

Giving Langdon seniors a way to exercise and socialize

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The Langdon O.K. (Older Kids) Club is a group meant for fun, games, and activities for the over 55 crowd and is already prooving to be a big hit in the community.

Last month we told you about the Langdon O.K. (Older Kids) Club – a group meant for fun, games, and activities for the over 55 crowd. After some planning and coordinating the “Balance Fitness For Seniors” program is up and running very successfully with 27 participants registered. The class is full and can’t accept any more this session which speaks to the need for programming like this in communities.
The Langdon OK Seniors would like to thank the Langdon Community Collaboration in partnership with the Calgary Rural Primary Care Network, Communities Choose Well and the Langdon Oddfellows and Rebekahs. And a special thank you to our instructor: personal trainer, Julie Meir.
The Langdon OK Club is currently doing a membership drive to increase our membership and further organize senior activities here in Langdon. For more info and to request a membership application contact Doug Don at 403-936-0075 or Hugh Wilkie at 403-954-2005

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