They say in order to know where you’re going, you have to look at where you’ve been and on Saturday June 18th, Langdon did exactly that. The community came together and celebrated their past, present and future in a big way.
Held at the Langdon Park, this amazing event kicked off with a free pancake breakfast. Following that, the Volunteer of the Year Award was presented. Weeks ago, the community was asked to submit their nominations for both a youth and adult in Langdon that really steps up and gives back.
The adult winner was Chrissy Craig who participates in the community in a variety of ways:
Langdon Community Association: Grants and Langdon Days Coordinator. Responsible for applying for grants for capital and operational grants. Complete year-end reports on grants. Responsible for managing the coordinators for Langdon Days. Responsible for administration work required to hold Langdon Days.
Langdon Community Collaborative: LCA Representative on the board.
Langdon School Parent Council: Canteen Volunteer: Responsible for setting up and running canteen.
Bow North Recreation Board: Member at Large that support parks, recreation and culture in the Bow North district of Rocky View County.
Those that nominated Craig said:
“She’s responsible for two vital roles in LCA. Without her Langdon Days would not happen and we wouldn’t have the grant money that has went into new skate shakes and playground and field house renovation etc. She has a young family and is very dedicated to shaping Langdon for the future” – Nicole Porquet-Seitz
“Chrissy spends a lot of time writing grants so that Langdon can get money for thing like the Langdon park playground, the new garage and upgrades for the field house, planters and flowers for Main Street and the park, the skate shacks, new shale for the ball diamonds, the Langdon sign at the 4 way stop, and a lot of other things. She also co-ordinates Langdon days, the hobby days and vendor events, these events would not happen with out her. She also volunteers at these events (set up, clean up, bartender, etc.) and at the lunch program at the Langdon School” – Shawna Weir-Murphy
The youth winner was Cat Golden, who participates in Synergy, as well as volunteer with Synergy in collaboration with: South East Rocky View FCSS, Chestermere/Langdon Oilmens Association, Langdon Community Association (Langdon Days), Chestermere Lions Club.
Alicea Sproule said about this young volunteer, “Where do I even begin! Cat is an incredible gal. She is careful and intentional with her time and is serious about being a positive and influential leader. It’s always been evident that Cat’s volunteer spirit stems from a very genuine place within her. Cat has helped contribute to shaping the course of Synergy’s programming b/c of her strong leadership style and voice for change. Cat is grounded, engaged, reliable and driven. Cat has a clear understanding and deep-rooted respect for her role in the community and carries out her responsibilities with a balanced and distinguished pride. Cat is a such a wonderful candidate for volunteer of the year and I am so pleased to nominate her.”
Members of the community also got to participate in kids games, the official opening of the Langdon Community Garden, Unearthing of Langdon Community Historical Time Capsule and also the Langdon Legacies Time Capsule Ceremony.
Chestermere Rocky-View MLA, Leela Sharon Aheer attended the event and said, “The Langdon Past, Present and Future event held on June 18th was a testament to the community spirit of Langdon. Several of the original people that put the time capsule into the ground 30 years ago were there to see it unearthed and to reminisce with those who were gathered. One of the most beautiful moments was being able to chat with some of Langdon homesteaders. They brought their stories, their affection for their home and descriptions of the history of Langdon the “good luck town”. That historical perspective is a gift to our youth and ties the fabric of these small but mighty communities. It was such a privilege to stand with MP Martin Shield, and Councillor Rolly Ashdown and acknowledge the history and the volunteers that keep this little hamlet growing and succeeding. Congratulations to everyone involved”.