Some superheroes gave Santa a hand in bringing a family Christmas party back to the Cheadle Community Club Dec. 3.
Cheadle Community Club Secretary Jane Mitton said that the club wants to host more seasonal family events and decided to get started with a Christmas party.
“The reason its…a superhero theme is we feel all the children in the surrounding areas of Cheadle are superheroes in some way or another,” she said.
She also admits that her son, who plans to attend as Iron Man, talked her into the theme.
The party, which was themed for children two-months to 13 years and their families included presents for all the kids, handed out by Santa.
There was also snacks, a bouncy house, and holiday games.
About 180 people attended the party.
The party was free, however Mitton had people pre-register so that she knew the number of kids as well as age and gender to ensure enough presents could be bought and wrapped for Santa to hand out.
“We wrapped 100 presents,” she said.
Mitton and her husband were up till 1 a.m. wrapping the gifts.
“I’ve been busy but I enjoy doing it,” said Mitton.
They were collecting donations to the veteran’s food bank at the party.
The party came together with the support of the community and the Cheadle and Strathmore Lions Clubs.
“As long as you can get them all in a room together, play music and have a Santa show up…I feel that they’re going to have a great time no matter what,” she said.