Beating out some tough competition, the Along the Lake Landscaping team won the Amazing Race Chestermere fundraiser for the Rotary club Sept. 17.
“It was great,” said Along the Lake Landscaping team member Maury Quinney.
The Amazing Race Chestermere is the main fundraiser for the Chestermere Rotary Club.
Quinney said that the team loves helping and giving back to the community. In addition to their support of the Rotary club, they will be donating half of their $1000 prize to the food bank.
“We enjoy giving back to the community,” he said.
This was the first win for a team that has been participating in the race since its inception two years ago.
“I love it that every year…they change it up so much,” he said, “it’s getting better and better.”
The challenges that made up the race where a lot of fun he said.
This year his favourite event was the paddle boards. Teams had to paddle out to buoys before paddling to an anchored boat to get the clue for the next challenge.
“It was fun, We’re all glad we didn’t get too wet,” he said.
One of the more difficult challenges for his team was the final one where they had to spell out Yes Surrey from clues at the farmer’s market.
Jason McKee, Chair of the Chestermere Rotary Public Relations Committee said that in his opinion this year’s race was a success. McKee also competed in the race.
“From my perspective it was because my team didn’t have any hiccups,” he said.
He felt that the challenges and puzzles were difficult but solvable.
“I felt it was enough challenges to tire a person out and get a sense of adventure,” he said “without exhausting themselves completely.”
McKee also really liked the paddle board challenge but with his background playing basketball also enjoyed that challenge.
The club will be talking to participants and challenge hosts to get their perspective so that improvements can be made for next year’s race.
“It’s really important to me to get feedback from everybody,” said McKee.
One area that they want to grow is how many teams participate. This year they had about half as many teams as their maximum capacity.
The Rotary club is continuing to accept donations to the Amazing Race online at https://www.crowdrise.com/rotaryamazingrace until Sept. 21.