When this young Chestermere family moved onto their dream acreage, they did so hoping for that quiet and safe environment, away from the hustle bustle and crime of the city. But after the event of this past week, this family is feeling anything but safe.
On June 15th on a quite acreage on RRD 281 & HWY 1 on the east side of Chestermere, while this family slept, two cowardly thieves snuck onto their property and spent close to ten minutes rummaging through vehicles.
One of the homeowners explained, “June 15th at 2:27am our security cameras caught a black SUV with black rims (guessing to be a 2009-2012 Range Rover sport) stop outside our driveway entrance. I watched (on the security footage) the headlights go off, then a lady approximately in her mid 30’s, blonde hair, glasses, torn right pant leg & black adidas runners with white stripes on the side walk onto our property. She turns back and signals the man to drive into our property, that the coast is clear. All I can see of the male suspect driver is a white baseball cap & looks to be Caucasian. As I continue watching I see them go all around our property with flashlights & going into all our vehicles. At approx. 2:38am the vehicle pulls away”.
Upon realizing what has happened the next morning, the couple begin assessing the damage and what was taken. “At the end of the day they maybe stole $500 worth of goods. They took the registration papers out of two of our trucks, some tools and a controller to operate a snow plow on a truck. All the things they took mean absolutely nothing to me. What really upsets and angers me is that breach of my home! My property! How dare these people think that’s ok to lurk around people’s property and take things that they didn’t work for and definitely don’t deserve. I still haven’t told my daughter what happened, nor do I think I will if I can avoid it. I’m not one to ever lie to her but this is her home, this is where she should feel safe and protected. These people have taken that from us”.
The couple took to social media to both warn the public and ask for help. “I posted pictures and videos on the ‘I love Chestermere’ FB (Facebook) page and have had a tremendous response. Everyone really has made an effort to share the posts and get these pictures out there so these people can get caught. So many people have messaged me and said they saw that same vehicle sitting outside their house or over by the high school. I’ve learned from this if you see a suspicious vehicle and your gut says something isn’t right about it, call the police! If they leave before the police arrive write down the plate, the vehicle info, passenger info etc. We as a community have to start looking out for each other.
Sadly make sure no valuables are in your vehicle, it’s locked, your home is all locked and secure etc. Long gone are the days of leaving your doors unlocked cause we were safe in our homes”, says the shaken resident.
If you recognize the woman in these photos or the vehicle or have any information, please contact the Chestermere RCMP detachment.