Seven Chestermere High School (CHS) cosmetology students will be competing in the first ever Rocky View Divisional Cosmetology Competition Feb. 10 in Airdrie.
“I am really excited,” said Chestermere High School Cosmetology Teacher Melody McIntyre, “I’ve been seeing their work and seeing all their passion.”
“I actually can’t wait to see how that’s all going to transfer (to the competition),” she said.
The goal of the competition is to create a place where students can not only show off their skills but also learn from the other competitors.
Students will be competing in five categories; braiding, bridal up-hairdos, bridal make up, fantasy make up and manicures.
McIntyre said that her students are really passionate about the fantasy make up and have been putting a lot of work in to practicing and refining their techniques for the competition.
The competition comes right after exams week at the school. With no classes during exams students have had time to review and get extra help and review.
Some of the Cosmetology students have been using that time to prepare for the upcoming competition.
“I’ve had one girl in here every single day,” she said, “she was even in here…after her exam was finished to keep tweaking and practicing her style.”
With all the work her students have been putting in McIntyre is feeling confident as they approach the competition.
“I feel really good about several of my students and the time and effort they’ve put in.
“I think it’s going to pay off,” she said.
McIntyre admits that they are facing stiff competition though.
“I’ve also seen some of the work of the other students and it’s pretty amazing too,” she said.
“I think it’s going to actually be really hard for the judges,” said McIntyre.
The guest judges are volunteer experts from the community.
Knowing this, the students are starting to feel the pressure as Feb. 10 approaches.
“A lot of the kids, they’re really nervous,” said McIntyre.
Including CHS there are about six schools in the district that have cosmetology programs. These programs vary from focusing on hair styling and cutting to esthetics such as make up and skin care.
“I am running, what I like to call, a full apprenticeship program,” said McIntyre.
“We do all the hair styling apprenticeship things, they cut, they colour, they perm,” she said.
With the heavy focus on the hair styling, the CHS students spend less time on the esthetic side of cosmetology.
Students who finish the full 50 credits in Cosmetology are getting the same education given at beauty schools.
She has been teaching this program at CHS for the last three years in September 2014.
Her more advanced students even have the opportunity to practice on actual clients who book appointments with them at the CHS Cosmetology lab.
For more information or to book an appointment with the CHS Cosmetology program go to https://chscosmetology.youcanbook.me