Community through Classic Cars

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Show and Shine patrons chat as they enjoy the warm weather and classic cars. Hundreds of classic cars filled the field at the Recreation Centre Aug. 26. Photo by Jeremy Broadfield

Chestermere Show and Shine raises over $11,000 for charity

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Show and Shine patrons are reflected in the light casing of a 1932 Ford 5W Coupe. Hundreds of classic cars filled the field at the Recreation Centre Aug. 26. Photo by Jeremy Broadfield

With over 425 cars on display, the Chestermere Show and Shine Aug. 26 exceeded organizers wildest expectations.
“We were blown away by how successful it was,” said John Kittler the Show and Shine organizing committee chair.
Kittler said that his phone was ringing off the hook the day before the show with classic car owners from across the province asking about the show.
“People came from far and wide, it was amazing,” he said.
Along with the quantity came variety as well. There were classic cars, custom cars, and unrestored cars, known in the car collecting world as survivors.
“There’s something for everyone,” said Kittler.
It was fortunate that there is plenty of room at the recreation centre since they had only planned for about 300 cars to come.
Kittler was really happy with not only the turnout of vendors and cars but also the crowds that came out to enjoy this last big event of the summer.
“There were people everywhere,” he said.
Kittler and the rest of the organizing committee hope to build on this year’s success not with growing it to have more cars but by making it even more of a community event in the city.
With this year’s success, it was more than just the community and classic car lovers who benefitted.
The event raised $11,194 for The Chestermere Regional Food Bank and Easter Seals Alberta.
The funds were raised through a $10 per vehicle exhibitor fee and the fees paid by vendors and food trucks.
There was a 50/50 draw, and a raffle for products and services donated by local businesses.
As an added bonus for the charities, Kittler has decided to, through his business the Chestermere Landing and Dockside Bar and Grill, pay for all costs associated with the Show and Shine.
“As a result, every dollar that was spent by a participant, vendor, or patron will be donated to our two chosen charities,” he said.
Kittler, who took the helm of the Show and Shine this year, decided to cover the cost because of how impressed he was by the hard work and generosity of the Lakeside Kruzers Car Club and their commitment to the organization and management of the event.
By supporting both a local charity and a larger Alberta Charity Kittler feels there is something for everyone who attends to support.
The Show and Shine will continue to support those two charities going forward.
“This is an event that going to stay committed to those two things as long as it’s under my stewardship,” he said.

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