County report August

There is an Election coming up in the next few months, Oct 16th to be exact, that’s when you choose who will represent you on Rocky View County Council for the next 4 years. I have enjoyed being your Councillor for the last 7 years, I found it very rewarding and interesting to say the least. It has been an honour to serve you in that capacity and I cherish the friendships of the many people I have had the pleasure to work with and get to know over the years. We have accomplished a lot together in our little Community, the tireless work of the volunteers has put Langdon in a position to be well poised for the next few decades. I hope I was able to help somehow.
It is with mixed emotion that I announce I won’t be seeking re-election this time around. I will miss the challenges and the opportunities to help provide good government but it is time for me to take a bit of a break from Politics. I intend on being back in it in some capacity someday but who knows when the opportunities or the need might arise. The Political landscape in Canada, Alberta and Rocky View County is a virtual kaleidoscope of ideas at the moment, I plan on watching it closely and staying involved somehow. Only time will answer the question of if and when there is a place for me again.
Al Schule has put his name forward to run in the next Election, I will remain available to him if he needs any insight that I might be able to provide. I trust that he will be able to step in seamlessly. Like me he has been a Councillor as well as the Reeve of the County in the past and will have no trouble getting up to speed. He will see many changes from when he was last involved and will have many ideas of improvements I’m sure. Please help him in any way you can, our Community is still in an awkward growth stage and it can be a little delicate sometimes. I look forward to the future with cautious optimism, I truly hope that Langdon remains the way it is. I think we can retain that small town feel even through the growth that the future will bring.
For me the next while will open up new challenges and opportunities. I have made arrangements to lease a couple of Bays just across the Parking lot from Tim Horton’s in the Buy-Low Shopping Centre. To many of you it is no surprise, it has been the worst kept secret in a while I’m sure. If it goes well and I expect it will, there will be a place called the Langdon Lounge as well as a take out and delivery place called Langdon Pizza, I named them after my favorite Alberta Community. I hope to be open in November and would like to invite everyone to pop in and say hello anytime you like. Maybe we can have some great times and some great conversations about the political climate. Watch Social Media for more news as we progress with building the business, I hope to make it a Neighborhood Bar where everyone feels welcome. It will undoubtedly evolve as any business does. I’m excited about the concept and look forward to the challenge.
That’s about all I have for this report, I intend on having a few more Town Hall Meetings where I can answer some more questions and explain anything I can that anyone wants clarity on. I remain available by cell at 403-999-2722 and email ( as always and hope you are having a great summer.

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