Digital To Do: Complete your Census!

Annual Chestermere Census Begins May 1

Chestermere, AB –The annual municipal census will begin May 1 and the City is asking all residents to take a break from their regular online tasks to complete their census.
“Completing the census is so easy and can be done in two minutes on your mobile device,” said Jillian Borsuk, the City’s Legislative Coordinator. “Last year, Chestermere had the highest online census participation in Alberta so we hope to break our own record and have over 65% of residents complete their census online.”
Borsuk says that conducting the census online makes it more convenient for residents and helps keep costs down. Even though the community has grown almost 30% in the last five years, the cost of conducting the census has remained almost the same.
What residents need to know about the 2017 census:
• Between May 1 and May 14, census enumerators will hand deliver a letter with a unique PIN to all households. The PIN will allow residents to complete the census online.
• Households that do not respond to the census online will be visited by an enumerator between May 15 and June 18.
• After completing the questions online or in person, you will be asked to provide a phone number for an optional quality assurance call. Conducting quality assurance solidifies the accuracy of the census and ensures the census meets Government of Alberta standards.

For more information, visit
The City conducts a census every year to ensure City departments can accurately plan for residents’ needs. Population results can have an impact on community programming, development plans, and available grants.

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