Fourteen years a Chestermere resident, Laurie Bold has been an active voice in the community since she worked with other residents to create a petition asking the province to investigate city council in 2015.
Since then she has been active advocating for transparency and responsible government in Chestermere.
“My decision to run for a council position is based on my desire to be a voice for the residents of Chestermere,” said Bold.
A certified residential appraiser, Bold has owned and operated her own appraisal business for the last 20 years.
“As a professional residential appraiser, I must consider many different factors before I can arrive at a final estimate of value for a property,” she wrote on her campaign website.
“I believe my professional background would be an asset,” wrote Bold.
If elected to council, Bold said that her priority will be to ensure responsible spending at city hall.
“My desire and vision is to ensure that tax dollars are spent for the necessities of our community and are based on affordability living within our means,” she said.
She also wants to see the city continue to work on increasing the commercial tax base to offset the current residential tax burden.
Finally, Bold plans to join as many committees as possible.
“If elected my primary interests would be to get involved with many committees such as CUI, Planning & Development, Taxes & Assessment, Parks & Recreation,” she wrote.
She hopes to learn as much as she can as quickly as she can to be able to better represent residents at the council table.
“I promise to listen to the residents and try my best to address concerns presented to me,” she wrote.
For more information on Bold and her campaign, go to https://voteforbold.wixsite.com/website.