Rocky View County report May 2017

Here we are a week after the great Garage sale extravaganza, the streets got cleaned on time, the rain held off long enough for people to acquire some new treasures and we got rid of some of that stuff that we just didn’t need anymore. I hope everyone got some good deals and got some things you can use. If you didn’t, keep in mind you can always save up enough of that valuable merchandise and have a garage sale of your own. The one good thing about garage sale merchandise is that at least you can sell it again without losing a lot. I bet there are items that get bought and sold many times until they find a permanent home, I also have a suspicion that sometimes the permanent home takes it’s final journey from the transfer site to the landfill. One good thing about selling stuff at your garage sale that you originally bought new is that you get something for it while it leaves you and the next guy has an easier time getting rid of it without feeling too bad. Lots of great things to consider about garage sales, I can hardly wait until next year.
I got to go to a wine and cheese event put on by the nice folks at the Langdon and Area Chamber of Commerce. There were 4 speakers, Tracey Acorn from the Alberta Chamber of Commerce, Dave Kalinchuk, the Economic Development guy from Rocky View County, Leela Aheer our MLA and me. Tracey spoke about some of the advantages to belonging to a Chamber of Commerce like Member discounts on banking fees and Insurance as well as opportunities to share successes with other Businesses and tips on overcoming some of the various pitfalls and grasping opportunities in being in Business. Dave spoke about some of the advantages of locating a Business in Rocky View County and some of the success stories. Leela spoke about a few of the many things going on with the Province as well as entertaining with a few songs. She also let me play a little on the guitar, I shocked a few people who didn’t know I played anything.
I spoke for about 20 minutes about things in Rocky View, this may sound odd but I never remember what I spoke about when I speak at these type of events. I always hope the people in the audience get something out of it and I know time flies when I’m doing it but for some reason I need to tape it to see just what I was talking about or follow notes of some kind to have a structured presentation that I would know what I covered. While I was the Reeve of the County a few years ago, I spoke to the Airdrie Chamber of Commerce for 45 minutes at one of their functions as the key note speaker and couldn’t tell you what I talked about to this day. We had a Q and A session as well during all that and I hope everyone came away with something. It was very nice to see many of the Business people of Langdon. If you have a Business, join up, it couldn’t hurt and it may help you along.
That’s about it for this session, I hope everyone has a nice summer and I pray the rain doesn’t hit us too awful hard, we seem to get better every year in the storm water department but those June rains can be very unpredictable. Be careful on the roads, this is the time to be watching out for our farmer friends as they move their equipment from field to field in seeding the crops to feed the masses.

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