Albertans reminded not to get behind the wheel while impaired

Impaired Driving Prevention week sees increased RCMP and Sheriff presence on provincial roads

Alberta RCMP Traffic Services are reminding Albertan’s about the dangers of driving while impaired.
“Alberta RCMP would like to remind all drivers in the province that impaired driving, whether by alcohol or drug, may cost you your life or the lives of others,” said police in a March 19 press release.
The message comes hand-in-hand with National Impaired Driving Prevention Week which ended March 24.
With the focus on the prevention of impaired driving saw RCMP along with their Integrated Traffic Unit partners, the Alberta Sheriffs, conducted a series of check stops to help get the message out.
“There is a myth that it is okay to use drugs and drive because it affects you differently,” said Supt. Gary Graham, Officer in Charge, Alberta Integrated Traffic Services. “It is important to remind everyone that impaired driving, whether by drugs or alcohol, is a serious offence that will lead to criminal charges.”
Getting the message out about the dangers of impaired driving has taken on added urgency as the legalization of cannabis cleared a major hurdle March 22 when the Senate voted 44 to 29 to pass second reading of the legislation that will legalize the drug.
“Impaired driving is a leading cause of death and injury on Alberta roads,” said Rick Gardner, Superintendent, Alberta Sheriffs Traffic Operations. “We all have a part to play in keeping impaired drivers off our roads.”
While enforcement agencies continue to work to develop effective drug impairment tests equivalent to alcohol breathalyzer, police utilize specially trained officers to conduct Standardized Field Sobriety Tests to determine impairment.

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