The Chestermere Crushers Baseball program is calling out for greater community support, and more volunteers for the 2019 season during the Annual General Meeting (AGM), on Nov. 8.
The AGM will be held in the CMHA office at 7 p.m. and will cover topics regarding reports from executive officers and directors, the success of the previous season, the financial strength of the program, and the direction of the program for next year’s season.
“We need to get more people to step up and help us out,” said the Chestermere Crushers Baseball President of two years Chris Wallin.
“The more volunteers that we have helps us out. Most of the volunteers that run on the board are also coaches or managers, so some people are doing three jobs on the board as well as coaching, on top of being a mom or a dad,” Wallin said.
Volunteers are needed for a variety of positions including, fundraising, equipment manager, umpire in chief, coordinators, diamond scheduler and webmaster.
Right now, the Chestermere Crushers Baseball program is run by 13 volunteers on a Board of Directors who are filling 16 positions.
“There’s never a storage of help needed. Anything that anybody wants to do we can find a home,” Wallin said.
“We have a really good program, the quality of our program is really second to none,” Wallin added, “The program is growing we want it to continue to get better, and we need some help from more people.”
The Chestermere Crushers Baseball program has grown exponentially and is quickly hitting capacity with almost 400 youth ages four to 18 participating in 40 various teams competing in all levels of baseball.
Not only has the Chestermere Crushers Baseball program struggled with finding enough volunteers, but the program has also struggled with finding spaces to train.
“Our program has grown so much, we’re coming to a capacity of the number of spaces,” Wallin said.
He added, “In order for our program to keep growing and be successful we need more diamonds, we’re maxed out. We’re at our limit, we’re busting at the seams.”
Six baseball diamonds in Chestermere is not enough for the growing program. In order for athletes to practice they have to travel to Calgary or Langdon to use baseball diamonds, or practice indoors at the Chestermere Rec Centre.
“We have a program for all sorts of people, if they want to play competitive there’s a stream, or less competitive, there’s another stream,” Wallin said.
“This program gives kids another outlet, it’s a game I’m very passionate about, it’s a game I grew up playing and loving,” Wallin said.
The Chestermere Crushers Baseball program coaches enjoy and love the sport, the coaches enjoy teaching youth skills and valuable life lessons through baseball, Wallin said.
He added, “It’s an outdoor sport that gives kids another method of activity, kids should be playing outside, and it’s a good thing for them to learn how to be a part of a team.”
For more information on how to support and volunteer for the Chestermere Crushers Baseball program please attend the AGM on Nov. 8, in the CMHA office at 7 p.m., or email Chris Wallin at president@crushersbaseball.ca for more information on positions available.