With a little magic and hard work, Chestermere’s Public Library transformed into the castle and Library from Disney’s Beauty and the Beast for the annual Belle’s Tea May 5.
“We have a full house, everyone seems to be enjoying themselves,” said Chestermere Public Library Assistant Director Cathy Burness.
Tea, dainty sandwiches and custom baked rose cookies were served, along with an etiquette lesson and story time with special guest Princess Belle.
While not all of the princesses in attendance were entirely sold on tea, with many needing a lot of sugar to make it palatable, everyone enjoyed the chance to meet with Belle and her surprise guest the prince.
Burness said she overheard one of the guests say it was the “best party ever.”
The event was originally planned for only two settings, a third was added after the hugely popular event sold out in 30 hours.