Bill C-69

We have heard a lot over the past year about all of the Liberal government’s failures on Canadian energy.

They vetoed the Northern Gateway pipeline, which was a political decision that had nothing to do with science. Then they killed Energy East with last minute regulatory changes. Now they have spent $4.5 billion on Trans Mountain and we still don’t have a pipeline in the ground.

All of these failures are an indictment of this government’s energy policy. But rather than try to fix the problems they have caused, the Liberals are doubling down with their anti-Canadian energy Bill, C-69.

When the Prime Minister says he wants to phase out our oil sands, we should believe him. C-69 is a large, complex piece of legislation that is driving whatever energy investment is left out of Canada. It is costing hardworking people in our riding their jobs. It will kill future resource development while doing nothing to actually enhance environmental protection. Even the provincial NDP who once protested against our oil sands are now hypocritically lobbying in Ottawa against this legislation.

We have watched $100 billion of investment leave this country over the past two years, and lost 100,000 well-paying Canadian jobs. It is incredible that after presiding over this disaster, the Liberals are still determined to put the final nail in the coffin of our energy industry.

A Conservative government will use every tool at our disposal to get our energy industry back on track. We will ensure the Trans Mountain Pipeline Project gets started, both through the courts and through emergency legislation.

Further, we will repeal the carbon tax, repeal C-69, and provide certainty to investors through concrete timelines. If we have to, we will use the federal declaratory power to declare a major project ‘for the general advantage of Canada’ under Section 92.10 of the Constitution Act, 1867, where we deem it necessary for future projects.

In short: this Liberal government has failed the Canadian energy industry, and Bill C-69 is the final straw. A Conservative government will do everything in our power to fix this disaster.

I can be reached in Ottawa at My Brooks office can be reached at 403-793-6775 or, and my Strathmore office at 403-361-2980 or Please don’t hesitate to contact me about any federal issue.

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About the author

Martin Shields

Martin Shields

Martin Shields is the Member of Parliament for the Bow River riding, Alberta. Martin has been living in Brooks with his family for 38 years and is committed to the success and quality of the community. Martin serves as Deputy Chair of the Conservative Party’s Alberta Caucus, and as a member of the House of Commons Standing Committee on the Environment and Sustainable Development.