A group of Prairie Waters School grade 5 students have raised over $600 for the Alberta Children’s Hospital with a series of craft and bake sales.
Grade 5 Students Gabby Wyborn, Alexis Wartman, and Lorelei Heaven held a bake and craft sale at their school for three weeks on Wednesdays and Thursdays to raise funds for the hospital.
“They’re just really good kids that care about the word around them,” said Grade 5 teacher Melinda Csak.
The girls had all been involved in more international fundraising efforts with the school and decided they wanted to do something more local for their bake sale.
They chose the Alberta Children’s Hospital because all three have a connection to it.
“My brother had to go there,” said Wartman, “a lot of people I know have had to go there.”
“The Children’s hospital has been real important,” she said.
Both Wyborn and Heaven have been patients at the hospital and felt it would be good to support it.
The girls sold everything from cookies, hot chocolate, and muffins to posters and perler beads.
While all three have been active at Prairie Waters School, none of them had organized and fundraising event on their own before.
When they first set out on the idea to raise funds for the children’s hospital with a bake and craft sale they set a modest fundraising goal of $20.
“The first week we made $175,” said Wartman.
Wyborn then suggested that they move their goal up to $200.
They eventually moved their goal up to $500.
In total they raised $639.60 for the hospital.
“They blew it out of the water,” said Csak of the girl’s achievement.
All three of the girls are in their last year at Prairie Waters School.
They said that after they’ve settled in at their new school next year they plan to be as active participants in the school community as they have been at Prairie Waters.