The annual Laugh Madness comedy show is bringing light to heavy themes such as mental illness.
Laugh Madness 7: Stand Up For Mental Health will be supporting World Mental Health Awareness on Oct. 6 beginning at 6 p.m., in the CRA Main Hall in Chestermere said founder and organizer of Laugh Madness Arnold Henry.
“We want to help end the stigma surrounding mental health. I’ve had two friends who I know personally from Chestermere who have committed suicide.
“With raising awareness on mental health, we are hoping to educate everyone on the challenges [of mental illness] and [learn] what we can do as a community to support sufferers,” Henry added.
Henry recently posted his story about battling mental illness on Facebook. He said, “My ‘Day Ones’ may know of the years of hard work and sacrifices I had to face, but my memories will know best of all the dark, lonely roads I have to run away from. The battles with demons in my head and letting go of the negativity in my past.”
Henry added, “Between 2011 and 2013 I had to win and I’m grateful for the support I had received back then through psychotherapy sessions, friends and family. Life is continuing to bless me, seeing all my hopes and dreams coming true. I wish the same for you, you’re never alone.”
During Laugh Madness 7: Stand Up For Mental Health there will be a variety of activities throughout the night, such a spokesperson who will briefly educate guests on the topic of mental health, five-plus local comedians with headliner Todd Ness, and Lori Ferguson will be hosting the comedy show with DJ Sherman Hype.
A photo booth will also be at the venue for guests to capture memories with friends and family, along with gourmet food, and door prizes sponsored by local businesses.
“We’re hoping for another sold out event,” Henry added, “Laugh Madness isn’t your typical comedy club. To experience the laugh madness, you have to be a part of it. You just never know what to expect.”
Laugh Madness was founded in 2015 after Henry and his spouse realized Chestermere needed other forms of entertainment.
A close friend to Henry, Gilson Lubin a Canadian Comedian, encouraged Henry to organize the comedy show.
“I eventually took his advice and ran with it. With Laugh Madness the intention was to promote togetherness within our community.”
Henry knew he couldn’t go wrong with organizing a comedy show, he added, “Laughter is good for the soul.”
Throughout the years Laugh Madness has grown and evolved to be an event that residents look forward to, with selling out shows within a matter of days.
Henry added. “We couldn’t have done it without the support of our community members of Chestermere. Everyone always comes out in large numbers to have fun and at the same time, supporting a worthy cause.”
Although there is no dress code for Laugh Madness 7: Stand Up For Mental Health, Henry encourages guests to wear green T-Shirt to show their support for mental illness awareness.
Henry added, “Due to the popularity of our show, we have limited it to invited guests only for the Laugh Madness 7 show.”