MP Report – Roundtables on rural crime

Over the past few months, I have met with RCMP officials and municipal representatives on the subject of rural crime in our constituency. This February, I will be hosting several roundtables on rural crime.

The roundtables will be held in Keoma, on February 20, and Taber, on February 23. Please check out my website ( for the specific locations and times. We are inviting municipal officials, local MLA’s, and law enforcement officials.

As many of you know all too well, rural crime is a serious issue in Alberta. My federal Alberta Conservative colleagues are taking action to address the problem. We formed the Alberta Rural Crime Task Force to gather information from across the province. We are going to submit the input we collect directly to the government, and share it with the media.

I have heard from many residents of our riding impacted by rural crime. I’m sure many of you know someone who has been affected. A quick scan of our local newspapers tells a similar tale about the prevalence of crime in our rural areas.

There are many theories about what factors are contributing to the level of rural crime we are experiencing. Some say it’s a product of the economic downturn. Others think that we simply need to get more police officers on patrol in remote areas. Well, our Taskforce plans to get the facts so that we can provide clear, informed recommendations to the government.

To do that, we need your help. We have spoken with law enforcement officials, and we’ve reviewed the available data. But we can’t stop there. If you live in a rural location, you probably have some thoughts on what’s going on in your area. That’s why we need to hear from you.

We want your opinions on four key points, including crime prevention, crime investigation, prosecution, and punishment. However, the discussion isn’t limited to those specific points. If you have any ideas about what could be done to address rural crime, don’t hesitate to share them with us!

I hope you’re able to join me at one of the roundtables in your area. If not, please contact my office and share your views! ( or 613-992-0762).

I’m sure you have also heard that the Liberal government is making changes to the Canada Summer Jobs Program. Organizations must now sign an attestation that may go against their values in order to receive funding to hire students over the summer. I strongly believe this is wrong. I am completely opposed to the government’s decision to apply a values test to a taxpayer supported program.

You should not need to agree with the governing party’s philosophy to take part in a government program. A student should not be deprived of a summer job because their potential employer does not share the government’s world view.

Organizations across the country have rightfully voiced their opposition to this new policy. I have joined my Conservative colleagues in pressing the government to reverse this policy change.

I can be reached in Ottawa at 613-992-0761 or My Brooks office can be reached at 403-793-6775 or, and my Strathmore office at 403-361-2980 or Please don’t hesitate to contact me about any federal issue.

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About the author

Martin Shields

Martin Shields

Martin Shields is the Member of Parliament for the Bow River riding, Alberta. Martin has been living in Brooks with his family for 38 years and is committed to the success and quality of the community. Martin serves as Deputy Chair of the Conservative Party’s Alberta Caucus, and as a member of the House of Commons Standing Committee on the Environment and Sustainable Development.