Last fall, Chestermere residents told us what they’d like to see in our community. I’m very pleased to tell you that we have taken your comments, suggestions and dreams into account as we created our brand new Strategic Plan for the City.
Visit www.chestermere.ca/stratplan for my video introduction to our Strategic Plan
This four year plan outlines our goals, strategies, and timelines to achieve our vision. Our goals include responsible spending, developing the recreation potential of Chestermere, protecting Chestermere Lake, creating a physically and socially connected safe community and being a responsive government. Personally, I am most excited about the commitments we have made to bringing stability to our utility rates, finding seniors housing solutions, and increasing our non-residential tax base.
Even though the plan was only adopted in February, I am very pleased to tell you that we have already begun making progress on several goals.
One of the things we are doing right away is reviewing the 2018 Budget to find efficiencies and to ensure that our budget aligns with the goals we set for this year. It won’t be long after we finish reviewing the 2018 Budget that we will be looking at a multi-year budget that will span the remainder of our term. Be assured that Council is planning to do all of this through a lens of being fiscally responsible while still providing excellent services to you.
One of our other major priorities we are already moving ahead with is staying connected to the community. On March 3, we had the 3rd Coffee with Council opportunity. These are held once a month at various locations in the City and I invite you to stop by and visit with us.
Another way we are trying to build connections is by hosting a breakfast (March 14) for folks in the development industry (developers, contractors, builders, bankers, etc.). We appreciated hearing from the different entities that deal directly or indirectly with the City about how we can better facilitate sustainable development (especially the non-residential variety).
Finally, we are trying to get out in the community as much as possible. Please say hi if you see any of your Councillors at an event, follow us on social media, or just drop by! We are committed to listening to the community and staying connected so we can represent you in the best fashion possible.
Mayor Chalmers
Ps. Congratulations to all the athletes from Chestermere that recently participated in the Alberta Winter Games and the Olympics! We are very proud of you!