One lucky Chestermere student’s design has been chosen as the new logo for Chestermere’s Streetscape Committee.
Winner Brianna Hart, a grade 8 student at East Lake School, said she was inspired by her friends and what she sees when she drives into the city.
“It’s really cool because it’s just like, it’s going to be a new logo for Chestermere and its really cool that I did that,” said Hart.
While the logo isn’t ready for release yet Hart described her design as having the word Chestermere across the top with Streetscape and a floral design across the bottom.
In the centre she included sailboats and seagulls.
“I see boats when I drive into Chestermere,” she said.
Hart was also inspired by a friend who also used seagulls on her design.
While there could be only one design chosen, Hart’s classmates benefitted from the success of their classmate with a pizza party May 24.
“All of my friends in class they’re all really excited,” said Hart.
Hart has been drawing since she was in first grade.
“I’ve been doing it since grade one because my mom taught me how to draw in our free time, and I would always do that,” she said.
She said that she submits her drawings as to as many contests as she can which has led to a few other wins, but nothing as big as being chosen as an official publicly used logo.
“It’s really cool,” she said.
Streetscape Committee Chairperson Richard Plummer said that the contest came about when the committee decided it was time to be seen as an independent entity.
Having a unique logo will also help to bring more awareness to the work the committee does in the city.
“We are starting an inventory of various projects we have done with the City of Chestermere.
“This was undertaken to make residents aware of the many art and beautification projects we have been involved in along with the City,” said Plummer.
Hart’s design was chosen based on the criteria that the new logo would be representative of important aspects of the City’s past and its connection to both the lake and nature.
“The logo has a simple yet effective design. The word Streetscapes is prominent, and it represents nautical aspects along with the flora and fauna found here,” said Plummer.
The next step for the committee is to get quotes from shirt design companies. This will be followed by an unveiling late August or early September.