The annual Birth Forest Planting Event brought out roughly 17 families on Sept. 25 to plant a tree in celebration of their children.
“It’s a large event, it helps bring the community together, and celebrate the birth of children,” said Chair of the Streetscape Committee Paul Nuttall.
“People get a chance to meet each other, do some socializing, and hear about the behind the scenes with everything that’s involved in the birth forest,” said Chestermere’s Lead Hand of the Parks Department Alison Ciupa.
“It went great. People came out and had fun. It was another successful year,” Ciupa said.
She added, there were families at the event who have been to previous birth forests for their older children, which was really nice to see.
Before families began planting their trees, an introduction from Nuttall was made on the history of the birth forest.
Following the Birth Forest Planting Event, families were encouraged to socialize, while indulging in hot chocolate and treats.
This year families planted a variety of trees such a birch, pyramidal mountain ash, spruce, and ornamental crab apples.
“We like to do a mix of conifers, and deciduous so that we have some winter interest, we put in the spruce,” Ciupa said.
“We always like to put in some flowering trees for the bees that was the crab apples, and then we also choose forms that are narrower and upright so we can fit them all in the bed without them being crowded as they mature,” she added.
A highlight from the evening planting event for Nuttall was working with the Streetscape Committee and the City of Chestermere’s Park Department, and helping families plant their trees.
“Their amazing people to work with, we’re involved in beautifying the city,” Nuttall said.