Chestermere welcomed the Japanese Consul-General, Shigenobu Kobayashi during the Aug. 20 council meeting.
“We were delighted to welcome Mr. Kobayashi to our lakeside community,” said Chestermere Mayor Marshall Chalmers.
“This is the first time we have had the Consul-General visit our city, and we hope that it marks the beginning of a strong relationship between Chestermere and the Japanese community,” Chalmers said.
Kobayashi’s visit to Chestermere began with a welcome from Chalmers and Chestermere Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) Bernie Morton and followed with a gift exchange showcasing the relations between Canada and Japan.
Both Kobayashi and the Consul for Economic Affairs Noriko Ikeyama, came to Chestermere to meet with officials regarding mutual interest matters, learn about economic opportunities, and to build relationships with stakeholders, said the City of Chestermere Press Release.
“2019 marks the 90th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Japan and Canada. This relationship is strengthened through exchanges in many areas, including broader people-to-people contacts. I am delighted to visit this beautiful city, to meet the people who make Chestermere home, and to hold fruitful discussions with Mayor Chalmers,” Kobayashi said.
Chalmers acknowledged Kobayashi during the council meeting, which finished the meeting.
“We thank Mr. Kobayashi and his delegation for coming to Chestermere today,” Chalmers said.
He added, “We recognize the importance of building a strong relationship with our Japanese counterparts, and we were honoured by his visit. We look forward to finding more ways for our communities to build strong ties in the future.”
One of the City of Chestermere’s pathways to creating an Amazing Chestermere is the partnership and collaboration in innovative projects, and business models.
“We look forward to building a strong relationship,” Chalmers said.
He added, “We are excited to see what the future has in store.”