Cannabis edibles available in Chestermere

Cannabis edibles available in Chestermere pic 1
Lake City Cannabis is now offering edibles in the form of chocolates, candies, cookies, and tea for consumers. Lake City Cannabis Owner Ryan Roch has seen an extremely high demand for edibles and is excited to fulfill the need for consumers. When consuming an edible, it is important to go slow, and dose low, as edibles can take up to two hours to kick-in, Roch said. Photo submitted by Ryan Roch

Lake City Cannabis is offering chocolates, candies, cookies and tea edibles for consumers

Cannabis edibles available in Chestermere pic 1
Lake City Cannabis is now offering edibles in the form of chocolates, candies, cookies, and tea for consumers. Lake City Cannabis Owner Ryan Roch has seen an extremely high demand for edibles and is excited to fulfill the need for consumers. When consuming an edible, it is important to go slow, and dose low, as edibles can take up to two hours to kick-in, Roch said. Photo submitted by Ryan Roch

Cannabis edibles are now available at Lake City Cannabis in the form of chocolates, candies, cookies, and tea.

“An Edible is a form of decarboxylated flour mixed into a platform that allows it to be mixed into food,” said Lake City Cannabis Owner Ryan Roch.

Cannabis edibles have a different type of Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), which results in a different effect than what a smoked product would produce.

An eaten product could affect the consumer for up to  eight hours.

The product will stay in the body for an extended period of time and have a prolonged impact.

“It’s much more of an intensive feeling,” Roch said.

Since Roch opened Lake City, he has witnessed first-hand the demand for edibles, as he receives dozens of inquiries about edibles on a daily basis.

“There’s a massive demand for edibles right now. A lot of people are looking for it, because a lot of people are not interested in smoking the product, and would rather have a healthier product to consume,” Roch said.

“Many people would rather not have to use an inhaled product. We’re looking to fill that market need for our customers,” he said.

As edibles have now been introduced to cannabis retailers, Roch cautions consumers to go slow, dose low, and really take their time.

It is extremely important consumers don’t go over-board, as edibles can take up to two hours before the effect is felt..

“It’s really important to take your time with it and go slow,” Roch said.

“If consumers are used to having edibles in the past, understand that the big thing about edibles coming to the regulated market now is that they are made with much more industry-grade equipment,” Roch said.

He added, “The mixes are very consistent and even, whereas in the past that might have been an issue.”

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