Chestermere City Council passed the second reading of the Calgary-Chestermere Interface Intermunicipal Development Plan at the March 3 Regular Meeting of Council.
In addition to passing the second reading of the bylaw, city council also directed administration to submit the Calgary-Chestermere Interface Intermunicipal Development Plan to the Calgary Metropolitan Region Board (CMRB) for review under the Interim Regional Evaluation Framework (IREF).
“The plan is a result of coordination, collaboration, and compromises made by both municipalities made over an extensive period of time. The plan provides a common long-term vision and a framework for development in the plan area,” said Senior Planner of Community Growth and Infrastructure, Karl Mielke.
“It supports an attractive, active, unique and environmentally friendly interface between Chestermere and Calgary, and it allows and provides direction for further coordination to fulfill the plan vision, core ideas, and policies,” he said.
The Calgary-Chestermere Interface Intermunicipal Development Plan includes lands that go 150 metres east and west of the interface street known as Range Road 284.
The development will be between the future alignment of 8 Ave NE and the future alignment of Peigan Trail.
“The plan area includes agricultural lands. However, there are non-agriculture uses within the plan area,” said the Calgary Project Lead, Lisette Burga Ghersi.
“There are also natural features including wetlands, drainage corridors, and a tree stand,” she said.
The Open Space Network of the Calgary-Chestermere Interface Intermunicipal Development Plan will protect and intergrade the wetlands, drainage corridors, and tree stand.
“It’s also intended to provide recreational and gathering opportunities in the plan area, and to create a pathway system that would allow for active transportation,” Burga Ghersi said.
The team who has worked on the development plan has had numerous internal conversations with
both municipalities, stakeholders, developers, landowners, Rocky View County (RVC), and the province.
The development plan includes policies to support the collaboration and coordination between the City of Calgary and the City of Chestermere, and to guide the completion of outstanding studies and tasks to fulfill the vision set in the plan.
The plan also includes detailed policies for consistency in the development area, and policies to address differences in municipal policies, plans, and bylaws.
“The vision for the plan is that the area will become an attractive, unique, high quality, and vibrant residential corridor with mixed-use nodes and gathering areas near natural features,” Burga Ghersi said.
The Calgary-Chestermere Interface Intermunicipal Development Plan Land Use Concept identifies three-character areas, including the Nodes, the Residential Corridor, and the Transition area.
“Each of these character areas have unique characteristics, and consistent land uses,” Mielke said.
The Nodes will be located at the intersections with the Interface Street, and primary crossroads.
“The intent for the Nodes is to allow mixed-use development, active uses, and public open spaces that enhance the pedestrian experience,” Mielke said.
The Gateway Node is intended to welcome people to the interface street, the Heart Node will be the focal point of the development plan, and the Greenway Node is intended to be the primary east to west transit connection.
Residential corridors will be located between each node.
“The plan area will offer a pleasant pedestrian experience and will be well connected for local and regional transportation by various travel nodes,” she said.
The transition area of the Calgary-Chestermere Interface Intermunicipal Development Plan supports the transition from a livable, pedestrian orientated street design into an efficient connection to the highway that prioritizes safety.
The development plan will support various transportation options, including biking, walking, driving, and public transit.
The Calgary-Chestermere Interface Intermunicipal Development Plan will focus on the two municipalities working together, acknowledging uniqueness, creating an attractive and active pedestrian experience, creating vibrant mixed-use nodes, creating a well-connected street, and protecting and integrating nature.
“The plan will acknowledge the unique identities of Calgary and Chestermere through collaborative planning processes,” Burga Ghersi said.
“This plan is about partnership. It’s about recognizing that an opportunity exists in this region for two urban municipalities to grow towards one another and to meet on the street, take advantage of amenities that both communities have to offer and that we can share with one another, to be considerate and intentional in how we develop and how the development of our own community effects and interacts with the development of each other’s community,” said Mielke.
“We have an opportunity to create public spaces that both of our communities can enjoy and to build on economic development opportunities that can benefit both of our municipalities,” he added. “Essentially, this plan is about shaking hands across the intermunicipal boundary instead of growing and meeting with our backs to it.”