The Chestermere Regional Community Association (CRCA) has applied to compete in Kraft Hockeyville 2020 with support from the City of Chestermere.
The winners of the Kraft Hockeyville 2020 contest will receive $250,00, which will go towards arena upgrades and the chance to host an NHL game in their community.
“The City of Chestermere thrives on the ice, and the Rec Centre is the heart of our community,” stated the CRCA.
Adding, “Earlier this year, we were all shocked and devastated when the building was nearly closed without warning due to structural issues discovered in our Red Arena roof. Luckily, with some cooperation and planning the closure was avoided, but still left us with a massive fix and a possible looming closure if not repaired. The Kraft Hockeyville contest is an extraordinary chance to win the cost of the repairs, which we otherwise cannot afford as a not-for-profit organization.”
To support Kraft Hockeyville 2020, Chestermere residents are asked to attend the Kraft Hockeyville 2020 Community Rally before the Chestermere Laker’s Midget hockey game on Jan. 31 at 6:30 p.m., at the CRCA.
“We invite everyone to show the country how we embody the spirit of hockey by wearing your jerseys, making signs, and showing up to lend your support before the puck drop. Then, stay and support your local hockey team,” the CRCA said.
Adding, each community will receive points based on community participation. The more the community participates in the rally the more points resulting in a higher likelihood of success.
At the rally, a promotional video will be filmed that will be submitted to Kraft Hockeyville 2020 as part of the campaign.
To support Kraft Hockeyville 2020, Chestermere residents are encouraged to create an account on the Kraft Hockeyville 2020 website, find Chestermere on the community page, post a photo, video, or comment, and react to Chestermere submissions and share your support on twitter.
“The CRCA believes the City of Chestermere is a worthy recipient; we live and breathe hockey, and we’re ready to do what it takes to be crowned Kraft Hockeyville. We are Chestermere hockey,” the CRCA said.
For additional information, please visit the CRCA website at or the Kraft Hockeyville 2020 website at