Rocky View Schools (RVS) provided an update on March 12 regarding the actions being taken to keep the COVID-19 risk to students and staff low.
RVS continues to receive updates from Alberta Health Services (AHS), the government of Alberta, the Canadian government, and the World Health Organization (WHO).
“We understand our community needs confidence in the actions we are taking to protect our school communities,” said the RVS Associate Superintendent of Schools Murray Besenski.
Effective immediately, all 2019/20 overnight field trips outside of Alberta have been cancelled.
“While we support the educational value of national and international field trips, at the forefront of this decision is the safety of students, staff, and members of our community,” Besenski said.
RVS will continue to track the reasons for student absences, calling parents to pick up their child when they exhibit flu-like symptoms, continuing to encourage diligent and consistent self-care practices, increasing cleaning of high-touched surfaces in schools and on school buses, and requesting all students bring personal water bottles as water fountains are no longer accessible for use.
“We acknowledge the challenges that may arise as a result of this decision and are working with schools to minimize the impact on our families. As a means of monitoring the health of our students, we continue to track the reasons for student absences,” Besenski said.
RVS will also encourage students to practice proper handwashing, encourage students to sneeze and cough into sleeves, along with reviewing the importance of not sharing food, water, or any personal items with others.
If a student arrives at school with flu symptoms or develops flu symptoms during the day, the student will be escorted to the school infirmary and monitored until they can be picked up.
A sick child will not be permitted to take the bus home. Only a parent, or other person noted on the child’s emergency contact information, will be required to pick the child up.
It is extremely important that the child’s school has up-to-date family contact information.
RVS has now increased the custodial cleaning staff, and bus drivers have increased the cleaning of high-touched surfaces.
RVS also encourages parents and guardians to minimize the spread of any virus by ensuring everyone in the household washes their hands with soap and water frequently and uses alcohol-based sanitizers.
RVS also reminds everyone to avoid touching their face, use a tissue when they cough or sneeze and immediately wash their hands, clean and disinfect shared surfaces, avoid close contact with anyone who is sick, stay home when sick, and keep children at home if they are sick.
“As always, it’s vital that everyone does their part to help contain the spread of COVID-19. The jurisdiction thanks everyone for their continued support,” the RVS update said.
RVS will continue to provide updates when available directly to members of school communities.
For additional information, please visit the RVS website at https://www.rockyview.ab.ca/news/covid-19-update-1.