Chestermere residents can expect a 1.1% cut on tax bills

The 1.1% cut follows a 2% cut in 2020

Municipal tax notices have been delivered to residents and include a cut to the tax requirement for the fourth year. 

“We are very pleased to have been able to cut the tax requirement again,” said Mayor Marshall Chalmers. 

Adding, “We committed to sorting out taxes when we were elected, and we have done just that.”

The tax cut was originally announced when the budget was set last December, however, the annual tax bill comes out in June following the city’s annual assessment. 

The 1.1% cut follows a 2% cut in 2020 and a 2% tax cut in 2019. 

Council also reduced a 2018 planned increase of 2% down to a 0.9% increase. 

For residents who are on the monthly installment payment program (TIPP), their monthly payment will be adjusted as of July 15. 

To sign up for TIPP, visit 

For residents who prefer to pay in a lump sum, taxes are due July 31. 

All residents who would rather receive their tax bill via email can now sign up to do so by visiting 

In addition to providing a tax requirement reduction, the 2021 budget incorporates projects including starting work on a new civic centre and fieldhouse, Chestermere Boulevard pavement management, Rainbow Road resurfacing from the bridge to Township Road 240, updating aging municipal playgrounds, equipment, and vehicles, and initiating a public transit project extension to Chestermere.

For more information on Chestermere’s taxes, visit

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