Seniors update – looking after your health in the holidays

As we are now into December, our thoughts turn to . . .  Christmas, holidays, family and friends. Please pay attention to your calm level over the upcoming season.

Many thanks to Sharron for the great teleconference on Isolation last week. Keeping things simple, paying attention to your own mental wellness, getting out in our beautiful community for a stroll, enjoying the Festive lights, are all ideas right on your doorstep for managing the frenetic holiday season. Please look after your mental wellness through December.


Things are changing daily right now with the new variant, Omicron. Particularly with third booster vaccines and travel requirements. What is in our individual control is to follow the public Health recommendations, keep washing hands, masks where required, and get tested if you have any COVID symptoms via calling 811 or book an appointment online. There is a new QR Code now that meets Canadian standards and will be required for travel, please go to

Have you downloaded and printed your QR Code yet? If you need help with this please call 811 or ask a friend, neighbor or the Chestermere Registry for a printed copy. We will need this Code now along with Picture Identification to access many public places including most restaurants. QR codes can be accessed via

Booster Vaccines are now recommended for everyone 18 years and older, as long as 6 months have past from your second shot. Please visit vaccines for current updates on who, what, where, when, and how to access boosters. There are currently 47 active cases in Chestermere, so we must remain vigilant. Vaccines are available at local pharmacies for adults. Children 5 years and up will book online or through 811.

Our CRPCN Clinic in Rainbow Falls continues to accept new Patients to our Nurse Practitioners. Please call for a Meet and Greet at 587-333-3751 and speak to one of our friendly receptionists. Did you know that when your doctor or nurse practitioner belongs to the PCN, you have access to our team of professional staff: Registered Nurses, Dietician, Diabetic Nurses, Footcare Specialists as well as coverage for up to 5 physio appointments if ordered with your doctor or NP?

Community – What’s on

Check out the website to see what great courses we are offering this winter both in person and virtually. Happiness Basics is another great program that runs in Chestermere virtually for 4 weeks in January 2022 and another start date in March.

Craving Change is also starting in the new year and is addressing emotional eating. These courses can be accessed and registered for through our website above. The courses are free to you if your Dr. is associated with any Primary Care Network. Love to see you attend.

Chestermere Coalition for Seniors – We plan to meet virtually on December 15th at 1:30pm. Please email Leslie Racz if you would like to join in and bring a friend.  We would really enjoy having you. We will be discussing all things Seniors. This is the community run Seniors Voice, please come and be heard. Please contact  for updates or enquiries.

Save the dates – Friday December 10, 10:30 – 11:45am. Virtual Holiday event for all to enjoy, with stories, cultural traditions, carols, entertainment, prizes and surprises, there is something for everyone. Please register by Thursday December 09, telephone 403-207- 7050 or email to register or for more details. 

Teleconference -Thursday 13 January 2022, 10:30 – 11:30am. Guest Speaker -Kimberly Gordon-Krushell, PCN RN BScN, Calgary Rural Primary Care Network, Topic – Covid 19 update, plus Q & A’s

Older Adults Supports, Programs and Services

How can we help? Are you facing challenges in your day to day life, or having difficulties in navigating systems while looking for information for yourself or other family members. Perhaps filling out Government forms is overwhelming, maybe you would like to just sit and chat a while. We are here for you. The last eighteen months have taken a huge toll on us all and we want to make sure that we can help you to access, what you really need.

We are happy to meet you in a location convenient to you (please note we are unable to do home visits) or a virtual chat. What ever your needs, please contact Sharron Matthewman, Older Adults & Community Development Facilitator at 403-207- 7050 or email 


We have Senior’s Resource Handbooks available at the meeting and in the library, please pick yours up or take one for a neighbor. You can access these books by emailing Leslie @ or contact Sharron Matthewman, on 403-207- 7050 at the City of Chestermere. 

One – stop shop for older adults and seniors programming, events and information! 

Armchair Travel 

Armchair Travel is one of the most wonderful ways to look into our fantastic, vast world and learn as much as our hearts desire. We can travel to some of our favorite places without leaving home.  Through videos, pod casts, books and music and numerous other ways, we can go to places we have never seen, or only ever dreamed of. This way of travelling, is a delightful pastime and is good for the imagination and soul. After all, we are curious individuals and have a thirst for knowledge!

Ready? Let’s take a look at holiday celebrations and traditions around the world, plus an amazing walking light tour, in London UK. How does the upcoming holiday make you feel? perhaps warm and fuzzy inside, feelings of pure joy and the “feel-good factor” which we all need right now! 

Did you know, that has we look in awe, at those wonderful bright and colourful lights, we trigger “happy hormones” in the brain. Creating new memories, the celebration of new and old traditions and the Arrr moment, when the Christmas tree, swathed in soft lighting and decorations, is switched on, are cherished and wonderful moments. Young or older, celebrants of the holiday season or not, let the holiday magic of the lights wherever you are, cast their spell on you!  Celebrate cultures and traditions, for they are gifts bestowed on us. Let’s travel around the world to get a glimpse of something rather special.

To prepare for our trip, please follow the steps for a relaxing journey. Step 1 – Pour yourself a cup of tea or your favorite tipple, Step 2- kick off your shoes, Step 3 – pull up a comfy chair.

*Please note their may be adverts during these videos.

Top 10 Most Incredible Christmas Celebrations Around the World  (9:05 mins)

Holiday traditions around the world (More) – 1.25

London Christmas Lights Tour | Vlogmas 2021 | 🌟 Oxford Street, Regent Street + More 49:17

Please take care and stay safe,
Leslie & Sharron

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