Signage Partnership with Western Irrigation District and Upcoming Program

jen p Fresno scraper owned by Barbara Moodie 1981 Full Size p 8 GTT

In 2020 The Western Irrigation District invited Chestermere Historical Foundation to be partners in an historic signage project. Jumping at this idea CHF created a short list (from their already long list of 42 places which could be signed) of roughly twelve sites which have meaning to the history of Chestermere.  Still in its infancy, the project has yet to be vetted by the City of Chestermere should any of the signs require being on land managed or owned by the City. However public input is invited to comment on these proposed sites, and we hope that citizens will take a look and let CHF know if they agree with these choices—and at the same time, learn a bit more about Chestermere’s history.  

A video presentation on the sites, given Tuesday January 19th 2021, is now available for viewing on the CHF webpage. 

You are encouraged to view this 40 minute presentation and send your feedback via the Contact Us link at   

NEXT PROGRAM – Delving deeper into one of these sites, on Tuesday February 16th 2pm you are invited to hear a presentation on the early history of formation of the lake and building the ‘dam.’.  “The Lake and How it Came to Be—from slough to CPR irrigation project to oasis.”  Focussing on the arrival of the railway, William Pearce ‘Father of Irrigation’ and the diversion of the Bow River to create one of the largest projects of its time, this program will set out how Chestermere Lake came to be 1883 to 1910. 

The photo shows a Fresno, the main implement used to build the irrigation system, this one was used by Alfred Moodie, local farmer, who worked on building the dam.  

The presentation will on Zoom, Meeting ID 809 300 1047 and Passcode CHF2011. Everyone welcome, this is family friendly, and for any junior or senior high youngsters a great way to learn more about early days in the Chestermere area. 

APPROVAL OF PUBLIC ART – And later that same day at 4pm CHF will be presenting at City Council for final approval of ‘Word of Mouth’ the historical public art piece using materials from the history of Chestermere from Summer Village to a City.  Should you wish to listen in to the presentation go to this webpage from City of Chestermere.  ONLY on the day of the meeting will you find a link to join the meeting as a viewer. 

 Scroll down to ‘upcoming meetings’ a link will appear on the day of the meeting that says ‘view live stream’ if you click that or view the agenda after the meeting has started, you can watch live.   

New CHF members are always welcome!  Meetings are the third Tuesday, usually 1pm these days on Zoom but soon in the near future to be held at the Whitecappers Room 201 West Chestermere Drive. 

For more information 403 200 8046. 

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