Walks littered with poop

During the pandemic one of the easiest ways to get exercise is to take a daily walk. Chestermere has many linear parks and pathways, so one seldom has to walk the same route two days in a row – it’s a great place to walk. 

However, it appears that some dog owners don’t believe they have to pick up after their pets – they’re probably in the minority of dog owners, but they’re enough to make one have to always watch where you walk.  The dollops left by their pets are on sidewalks, in the green space under the powerlines, and in the off-leash park.  One dog owner I know won’t take her dog to the off-leash park because it’s so full of poop. 

It’s so easy to pick up dog poop from snow-covered ground, as opposed to grass, and yet everywhere you go, there’s dog poop on the snow.  I’ve even seen a few piles of it along the recently-opened pathways through the golf course – after all these years we can finally walk through the golf course in winter, and some dog owners don’t appreciate the privilege enough to pick up after their dogs. 

Come spring when the snow melts, there are soggy piles of poop everywhere.  Then there are the people who leave little baggies of poop on the ground or in gopher holes in the green space.  Who do these people think should pick up after them?  Do they like walking where there’s poop on the ground? 

Please dog owners, pick up after your pets and stop giving responsible dog owners a bad name.

Charlene Masson

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