Where’s the communication

During our recent municipal campaign, I heard a lot about open communication .

In my case there has been zero communication from City Council, never mind open.

Once I discovered that the new Council had reversed the speed limit on Chestermere Boulevard from 60 kms back to 80 kms, I viewed the video of the October 26 council meeting, so that I could understand the rationale and context.

What I could glean (audio wasn’t the greatest) was that the main motivation for the change was complaints from drivers about the speed reduction. Also one of the Councilors suggested a review of the previous council’s study and rationale for the initial reduction to 60 kms. This appeared to be quickly brushed off and ignored by the rest of council, on the video.

Admittedly the advanced signaling that was implemented will greatly lower the chance of another series of vehicle accidents (one fatal) that we experienced recently.

But that does not address the safety of pedestrians on foot and bicycle that cross the busy four-way intersection at Chestermere Boulevard and Rainbow Road. Pedestrians standing very close to the road while vehicles barreling through at 80 kms, higher speeds at times I’m sure, is a recipe for an eventual tragedy.

Furthermore, it’s perplexing why its 80 kms at the above four-way intersection with significant pedestrian foot and bicycle cross traffic, yet its 60 kms leading up to the three-way intersection at Shoppers with virtually no pedestrian cross traffic. How does that make sense? What is the rationale for the two different speeds?

On November 10 I sent e-mail to the Mayor and all Councilors expressing the above concerns, asking the same questions and I requested an e-mail response.

After no reply, on November 29  I forwarded the same e-mail addressed to the Mayor and cc’d to the councilors, further requesting an e-mail response.

After no reply, on December 08, I called the Mayor’s direct line, reached voice mail only and left a message advising the Mayor of the above two e mails, and requested that he review them and then provide an e mail response.

Today is December 17th and I have not received any response e-mail or otherwise.

One would think that a basic responsibility of Council is to respond to residents about raised concerns, when clearly asked to do so.  Shame on you Council for your ignorance, arrogance and your zero communication approach in this case.

John Kerr, Chestermere Resident

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