“I’m keeping a positive attitude, and I’m really excited for it.”

A 10th-grade Chestermere student is preparing to be the face of the sixth annual Calgary International Fashion and Arts Week (CIFAW), after being named the official model of the event.
Trey Johnson has been modelling for less than one year but was inspired to begin modelling after his older brother joined Patti Falconer Agencies about six years ago.
“I was pretty excited, I went in for an interview, they liked me, and that’s how I got into modelling,” Johnson said.
Since joining the agency, Johnson has launched his career by walking in fashion shows in Edmonton.
“In May I did a show that was a really cool experience, it was my first-ever runway show, and I really enjoyed it,” Johnson said. “I have an upcoming show, which is really exciting, it’s cool getting to see new faces and new clothing designs.”
When Johnson found out he was named the official model of the CIFAW he was shocked but excited to work with designers and meet the other models walking in the shows.
“It seemed like a really big show, it was like ‘Wow,’ because I wasn’t expecting it, but I was really excited,” Johnson said.
The CIFAW has seven groups of designers, working together to showcase one large show.
The designers pick models out of a pre-selected group to ensure they have models who match their clothing style and that represent their brand in the best way, Johnson explained.
Johnson, as the official model of the CIFAW is responsible for promoting the show, attending practices, and being a role model for the other models showing a passion for the event, and being committed to making the show the best it can be.
“I want to remember this for a long time to see how far I’ve come from this show and to see what’s next and getting to meet new people and make new friends,” Johnson said. “I’ve made a couple of friends from people in the show, and I’m really excited to see what it turns out to be.”
To prepare for the CIFAW, Johnson is now attending practices, learning the strategies, the walking style and the routines set by the designers.
“I’m keeping a positive attitude, and I’m really excited for it,” Johnson said.
Although Johnson has only been modelling for less than one year, he has hit many milestones in his career, such as making industry friends and finding other models who he can look up to and learn from their experiences.
“You can’t just get it right away. It takes time and a lot of work and dedication. You can’t have a perfect run or a perfect career without a challenge in your way,” Johnson said. “Being positive really helps, personally, it builds my confidence, and it makes me feel like a better person.”