Chestermere Enjoys $3.5 Million Surplus in Latest Financial Report

City Council Praises Sound Fiscal Management in 2024, Highlights Efficient Use of Taxpayer Dollars

Chestermere, AB — The City of Chestermere is celebrating a significant financial milestone, as the latest report reveals a $3.5 million surplus for the current fiscal year. During a recent City Council meeting, members received an update from the city’s administration detailing the state of Chestermere’s finances.
Sandy Johal-Watt, Chestermere’s Director of Corporate Services, presented the second-quarter variance report, covering the period from January to June 2024. The report highlighted the surplus, attributing the positive financial outcome primarily to careful management of staffing, salary, and wage-related expenses.
“The majority of the variances come from staffing, salary, and wages, as well as accounts associated with those areas, such as training and development,” explained Johal-Watt. The report reassured both the council and residents of the city’s commitment to responsible financial stewardship.
Pat Vincent, the city’s Chief Administrative Officer until September 1, expressed satisfaction with the city’s financial health, stating, “I think that speaks volumes for the care and attention that’s provided to taxpayers’ dollars. I’m very happy with this report.”
The 2024 Operating Budget allocated $62.6 million for the operations and maintenance of the City of Chestermere, making the surplus a particularly noteworthy achievement. The surplus suggests that the city’s administration has been successful in balancing its budget while maintaining essential services and investing in the community’s future.
As Chestermere continues to grow, the prudent management of taxpayer funds remains a top priority for the council and administration. The surplus will likely be discussed in upcoming meetings as city leaders consider how best to allocate these additional resources to benefit the community.
With the city’s finances on solid footing, residents can look forward to continued stability and potentially even enhanced services in the near future.

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