Chestermere’s Ousted Leadership Speaks Out: Allegations, Emotions, and Political Future

Former Mayor and Councillors Claim Collusion and Bullying in First Chestermere Appearance Since Dismissal

In a highly anticipated public event, Chestermere’s former Mayor Jeff Colvin, along with ousted councillors Stephen Hanley, Mel Foat, and Blaine Funk, stepped back into the public eye at Camp Chestermere on April 3rd. This gathering, witnessed by around 60 attendees, marks their initial presentation in Chestermere since their controversial dismissal by the province in December last year. The group has been active across Alberta, hosting similar discussions in a bid to clear their names and address what they claim to be systemic collusion and bullying from a spectrum of adversaries, including “rogue councillors,” the RCMP, city staff, KPMG, and notably, the Provincial Department of Municipal Affairs under Minister Ric McIver.

Their claims, charged with emotional testimonies, particularly from ex-councillor Mel Foat regarding alleged attempts to coerce him into betraying his colleagues for immunity from potential civil lawsuits, have ignited debates on the integrity and transparency of Chestermere’s governance. Despite the gravity of their accusations, including the misuse of official titles and city branding in their campaign materials, the validity of these claims remains unverified, casting a shadow of doubt over the ousted officials’ narratives.

This controversy stems from a broader conflict between the city officials and the provincial government, which culminated in the firing of Colvin and his colleagues. Minister McIver justified the drastic action by citing the city’s consistent resistance to adhering to provincial directives aimed at rectifying governance irregularities identified in a rare municipal inspection. The minister’s decision underscores a deeper governance crisis, portraying the dismissed officials’ refusal to comply with basic governance standards as a betrayal of Chestermere’s trust.

In the aftermath, the city has taken steps to correct the misuse of its branding by the former officials, amidst preparing for a byelection to fill the vacated council seats. The political drama intensifies with the ongoing forensic audit by Deloitte, investigating the city’s financial dealings under Colvin’s leadership, with results poised to influence the upcoming electoral decisions.

The former officials’ legal struggles to overturn their dismissal through court injunctions and a pending judicial review add another layer of complexity to Chestermere’s political landscape. Their narrative, consistent with previous public statements, paints them as martyrs battling against a corrupt system, despite the absence of concrete evidence to substantiate their bold claims of widespread collusion and misconduct.

The presentation at Camp Chestermere, while echoing familiar themes of corruption and mismanagement, also revealed personal struggles, with Foat’s emotional recounting of alleged bullying tactics used against him. This personal angle, juxtaposed with the political discourse, offers a glimpse into the turbulent waters navigated by the ousted officials in their quest for vindication.

Questions from the audience, including those critical of Colvin’s leadership, underscore the community’s divided response to the ongoing saga. While some residents express unwavering support for the former officials, others demand accountability and clarity, highlighting the need for a transparent and factual dialogue to resolve the ongoing disputes.

The Alberta Serious Incident Response Team (ASIRT)’s clarification that it is not investigating the letter alleging misconduct by several RCMP detachments adds another dimension to the controversy. The letter’s origins and the allegations it contains remain shrouded in mystery, further complicating the narrative surrounding Chestermere’s governance challenges.

As Chestermere navigates this tumultuous period, the upcoming byelection and the results of the forensic audit will be pivotal in shaping the city’s future governance. The community stands at a crossroads, seeking to rebuild trust and integrity in its local government amidst lingering questions and allegations. The ousted officials’ public appearances and claims represent not just a personal battle for redemption but a critical moment for Chestermere’s democratic processes and the principles of transparency and accountability that underpin them.

The unfolding political drama in Chestermere, characterized by allegations of collusion, emotional testimonies of bullying, and legal battles for reinstatement, reflects the complexities of governance and the challenges of ensuring transparency and accountability in public office. As the city awaits the outcomes of the forensic audit and prepares for the byelection, the eyes of Chestermere’s residents remain fixed on the evolving narrative, hopeful for a resolution that restores confidence in their elected officials and the institutions that serve them.

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  • “the validity of these claims remains unverified, casting a shadow of doubt over the ousted officials’ narratives.””despite the absence of concrete evidence to substantiate their bold claims of widespread collusion and misconduct.” WHO PAID you to write this you sick SHILL!? There’s been TON’s Of transparency from the unlawfully ousted mayor and others but NONE from McIver or the others accused of collusion/corruption. NO PROOF of wrongdoing for the firing has been presented. NONE. Of course they are acting in secrecy, if covering up criminal activity. Jeff has the receipts, including email intercepted by city staff, where rcmp wrote to ottawa wanting to charge Jeff for “MADE UP CRIME” and unseat him form Mayor because they found out he was going to replace corrupt cops. LOOK/LISTEN to the corrupt land deals! The ASIRT letter boondoggle. Do you REALLY think Jeff would send in a letter like THAT if NOTHING was WRONG?! Read BETWEEN the lines. The police not charging a 40 year friend of the rcmp who brutally beat 2 girls up with witnesses and video tape of the incident? Or RCMP allegedly interfering with child abuse case-wouldn’t let EMS/firefighter take child to children’s hospital. Illegal loans given out to lake residents.(Loans can only be given to non profit) The ILLEGAL ROAD Built by the city on subdivided property? WAKE UP. Report fairly. Your report reeks of bias. Be a hero, not paid off sheep. Reporters like you who stand in the way of justice are scum. You are the true virus and what’s wrong in our crumbling world. You days as a journalist are numbered. Independent, un-bought off media is here to stay.

    • You would think after 2 court dates where Jeff submitted his “evidence” the 2 separate judges would have said something about them being illegally fired. But no, instead they sided with the province. Even Jeff himself said before his 2nd court date that he would be happy whichever way the court ruled….guess that was a lie.

      • You are gas lighting. The female judge he speaks of is VERY interested in his case, agrees there is enough evidence for a case. That is the first critical step in a law suit of this magnitude and she is seeing him WELL before the by-election. IF Jeff’s allegations are TRUE, then where do think they are getting their marching orders from?? Why are they trying so hard to hide? If there’s that much corruption in the rcmp and politicians, then it’s most CERTAINLY present in the court system too. This story has now been covered and released by Laura Lynn Thompson who gets millions of viewers. If you are drinking the government funded koolaid propaganda, then you should educate your self with this video. If you are shilling for or are one them? I’d be pretty scared if I was you, right now. “everything in the dark shall come to light”

        • The Island Boys have 7.5milluon followers, what does that say? I’m scared only for the people that fall for this conspiracy crap. Shows the poor state of our education system when people have no common sense and can’t determine fact from fiction. BTW, was it the judge that denied his injunction that’s interested? 1st ones corrupt 2nd ones not(ish) “2 things that are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I’m not sure about the universe” Einstein.