Older Adults’ Coalition of Chestermere (OACC)
After a mild January, February has brought freezing temperatures. That said, many of our friends have been able to get away into some warmer temperatures so we wish them safe travels and look forward to reconnecting upon your return.
OACC News & Community Events
Lots of events kept us busy in January. An important event is worth recapping. The AgeCare Lunch & Learn with Dr. Patel hosted by OACC and Chestermere Whitecappers Association on January 14, 2025, provided information about the new facility being built in our community. A full summary is available at https://www.theanchor.ca/2025/chestermere-whitecappers-association-older-adults-coalition-of-chestermere-lunch-learn/
On February 19, 2025, the OACC will be holding our coalition elections. Both Co-Chair positions will be filled by new representatives. This is always an exciting opportunity to bring new ideas and leadership to our group. The elections will be held during our regular meeting. Please join us at Lakeshore Manor from 1:30pm to 3:30pm. Hope to see you there!
The City of Chestermere is looking for your feedback on Secondary Suites and Short-Term Rentals in Chestermere. There is an online survey available until February 14th. The link is https://thecityofchestermere.ca/secondary-suites-short-term-rentals. There are two separate surveys – one for Secondary Suites and one for Short Term Rentals. Make sure your voice is heard.
Have you heard about Community Connect? It is a program supported by Chestermere Fire & EMS Services to build a safer community through prevention, preparedness and response. It allows households and businesses to provide information to allow emergency responders to assist you more effectively during an emergency. It is free to sign up and is only accessed by emergency responders in the event of an emergency. Once signed up, you provide information about your property, people who live in your home, your needs and your pets. It’s that simple. The website has details as well as a short video that explains the program. Full details can be found at:
Want to make a complaint about a bylaw or traffic concerns? The number to call is 403-207-8154 or, you do it online using the City of Chestermere’s online reporting system at the following link: https://thecityofchestermere.ca/cityservices/municipalenforcement. For general inquiries and non-emergencies, the number to call is 403-272-9878. When contacting Peace Officers, it is important to have a description of the complaint or event (dates, times and nature of the concern). When reporting, we will also be required to provide your full name, address and phone number.
The Whitecappers are hosting a dinner & bingo (and Special General Meeting) on Tuesday, February 25, 2025, with the doors opening at 4:30pm and dinner at 4:50pm. This month, the menu includes pizza, Caesar salad, ice cream sundaes and coffee/tea. The cost is $20.00 (and includes one bingo card). Tickets are on sale until February 21st. Please note that non-members are asked to pay an additional $3 drop-in fee.
The Chestermere Historical Foundation is hosting “Meet William (Willie) McKnight” on Tuesday, February 18, 2025, from 2:00pm – 3:00pm at the Chestermere Whitecappers Association. It will be a presentation with letters, documents and photographs from the McKnight Family Archive presented by historian Shelly McElroy. Attendance is FREE. It is an opportunity to learn more about the young man who McKnight Blvd is named for.
Did you know that February 26, 2025, is Pink Shirt Day? The website https://pinkshirtdaycanada.ca/ describes this day as a national celebration to help eliminate bullying and discrimination in all its forms. Pink shirt day began in 2007 after students at a Nova Scotia school bought pink shirts and encouraged their classmates to wear them to support a new student that was being bullied in their school. With this act of kindness and support, Pink Shirt Day was born. The last Wednesday in February is Canada’s officially recognized national Pink Shirt/Anti-bullying day. So, pull out your pink shirts, hats, scarves or whatever you have and make sure you celebrate and support this initiative. Watch for Synergy’s Pretty in Pink campaign supporting this initiative as well. Be sure to buy your Pretty in Pink button!!
A reminder that Spring Energizer Night will be on March 26, 2025, at the Rec Centre. A great evening to learn about local clubs, camps, recreational program and community services available in Chestermere. Doors open at 6:00pm and the event runs until 8:00pm. OACC will have a table, so we look forward to seeing you there.
The City of Chestermere is running their Winter Neighbour & Family Connection Program until March 31, 2025. It replaces the summer Block Party program for the winter season. The main idea is to gather with neighbours and your family to create a pot of soup or chili and for you all to enjoy yourself together as a group and/or family. Or host a neighbour or family pizza party and make a pizza together. Such get-togethers strengthen relationships and builds closer bonds within the family or with friends by doing something fun together.” Registration forms are found on the City website at: https://thecityofchestermere.ca/residentialservices/winter-connections-program/ or by contacting Craig McLeod at 403-207-7050 ext. 7094 or email him at cmcleod@chestermere.ca.
News & Views on Health
Mark your calendars for the Chestermere Mental Health Fair which is being held on March 15, 2025. The inaugural event was so well received last year, that it’s happening again. From guest speakers to community resources, this will be an event to attend. It will be held at the Chestermere Rec Centre (MPP Room) from 10:00am – 2:00pm.
A reminder about the Chestermere Conversation Café. This group is intended to support caregivers and family members of those working with Dementia or memory loss. Regardless of where you or your family member is in the dementia journey, it is a casual conversation setting offering peer support. Family members and dementia patients are welcome to join in. Meeting are be held on the 4th Monday of every month from 2:00pm – 4:00pm at Lakeshore Manor (200 Marina Drive, Chestermere). Remember you can check out the link for more information: https://dementianetworkcalgary.ca/event/new-chestermere-conversation-cafe-in-person/
Join the Older Adults’ Coalition of Chestermere
OACC – Upcoming Meeting Dates – Wednesday, February 19, 2025, and March 19, 2025, at 1:30PM – 3:30PM Lakeshore Manor (200 Marina Drive, Chestermere). While walk-ins are welcome to our meetings, RSVPs are appreciated. Please email Betty at betty.dagg@shaw.ca . We kindly as that you park at the rear of the building in visitor parking.