Author - Jai Murugan

Humour is funny, (pun intended) in that it is so personal. One person's joke is another's insult, and all that. So I write for the Art of a Chuckle.

Columnists - Jai Murugan


Even the most creative practical jokers coerce an ally or two to partake in mischief, even if it is...

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Columnists - Jai Murugan


I liked laths. Father didn’t. They made excellent bats for cheap balls, stream diggers, stake markers, goal posts, target holders, but especially swords...

Columnists - Jai Murugan


My imaginary friends and I invented a game we called Gout. We got sick of Mother’s chronic pleading, “Go out.” It served two purposes for her...

Columnists - Jai Murugan


Only a few select barefoot soles of souls in this great country will have experienced the joys of perfect crud. If toes could talk, they’d ramble on...

Columnists - Jai Murugan


This word has to be the most overused and manipulative one in the political world. “The facts are people in my area are saying I should vote for the...

Columnists - Jai Murugan


“One term at a time, one term at a time.” That was my motto at university. Four months was way too long for scatterbrains like me. Three weeks of...

Columnists - Jai Murugan


Some ideas we humans possess I simple don’t believe. They must have come from some ancient and lively tale teller’s imagination, myths of yore, or...

Columnists - Jai Murugan


Credit card companies hate me. I am an unpreferred customer. I’m too brainy for their little game of hide and seek: “It’s your money, or so...

Columnists - Jai Murugan


I can’t sing. Never could. Never will. Won’t try. Pathetic voice. I rasp away, but it’s okay. It is a skill I somehow manage to do without. I...

Columnists - Jai Murugan


Alcohol has the ability to remove the rind of the mind, that outer layer of protection and shells we place there to feel safe from another’s intrusion...

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