Author - Jai Murugan

Humour is funny, (pun intended) in that it is so personal. One person's joke is another's insult, and all that. So I write for the Art of a Chuckle.

Columnists - Jai Murugan


So my cousin phones me up all panicky. She has to come to the city for a specialist appointment and there’s been another murder in town. Being the...

Columnists - Jai Murugan


“Out!” yelled Blindy, as I slid home. I never understood how my imaginary ump could be so darned incompetent. Just once you’d think...

Columnists - Jai Murugan


Some of my former imaginary friends and enemies could speak. They had squeaky voices from dry air, insensitivity toward my feelings, and clouds of confusion in...

Columnists - Jai Murugan


Cussing was only habitual for this individual for about a year – something about adolescence and limits. As soon as a curvy girl in a red dress told me she...

Columnists - Jai Murugan


Now oft outlawed but once prevalent initiation rites, whether it is to a cult, a school, a sorority, a not-so-secret secret service organization, or a tree...

Columnists - Jai Murugan


The inner demons of man hide in the corners of the head the way bits of digested food cling to the corners of the bowel. Bits of rotten garbage, both. The...

Columnists - Jai Murugan


My first encounter with a bunk bed was a triple at Uncle Elliot’s summer cabin on a stinky lake with a colorful brown nickname. All five cabins were...

Columnists - Jai Murugan


I swear, you could take any topic or item at all, put it in the proper affluent unethical hands and the sheep consumer will go for it – in record numbers to...

Columnists - Jai Murugan


The days of the scenic and unique mixed farm are gone. No one ceptin’ robotic corporations with oodles of cash even deal in milk. Robots even do the...

Columnists - Jai Murugan


At some point in our lives we begin to ponder – about the same time as trouble starts. For about six years, maybe more, I mumbled my way through The...