On Saturday January 8, 2022 our local MLA Aheer held her annual General Meeting to elect the Board...
Author - Karen McKee
Karen McKee moved to Chestermere from Thunder Bay, Ontario in 2012. She and her husband of 42 years live a very active life with a family of 4 children and 1 grandson. Her earlier work career was in sales & marketing. In 2014 she became a Certified Coach Practitioner and in 2015 she formed her company PathwaysCoaching.
Karen volunteers in our community for multiple activities and events.
She is passionate about excellence in leadership and good governance and hopes to share that passion with others through her writing.
African proverb “On lesson learned – Don’t look where you fall, but where you slipped.” I think we can all agree that 2021 was a tough year with many...
A little history about the Olympics: Legend has it that Heracles, son of Zeus and the mortal woman Alcmene, founded the Games. The Ancient Olympic Games...
On February 11, 2020, the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses adopted the official name of SARS-CoV-2, meaning “severe acute respiratory...
On December 8, 2021, Bill C-4 received Royal Assent (approval by the Governor General), banning conversion therapy and making it a criminal offence. Bill C-4...
Columnists - Karen McKee
The Hot Topic this Week: Skating on Thin Ice!
“It’s coming on winter, they’re cutting down trees, they’re putting up reindeer and signing songs of joy and peace. Oh, I wish I had a river, that I could...
“We’re in deep, deep doo-doo,” said David Suzuki at an Extinction Rebellion protest in Vancouver, B.C. on November 20, 2021. “This is what we’re come to...
Columnists - Karen McKee
The Hot Topic this Week is: Jason Kenny & the UCP Leadership Team – Do their actions match their words?
Last week Chestermere-Strathmore MLA Leela Aheer called for premier Jason Kenney to resign after the termination of Ariella Kimmel at the Alberta legislature...
Columnists - Karen McKee
The Hot Topic this Week is: The “Vaxxed vs the Unvaxxed” – Where do you stand?
This debate has been going on for over a year now and it does not show signs of dying any time soon. If anything, the opponents of the vaccine are becoming...
Columnists - Karen McKee
The Hot Topic this Week is: The Poppy Crosswalk
On October 25th a Red Ribbon Cutting ceremony was held at Anniversary Park to celebrate the Poppy Crosswalk that was created through the inspiration of a local...