“The man who moves a mountain begins by carrying away small stones.”Confucius Chestermere’s new Mayor Colvin and 6 Councillors had a very busy week at City...
Author - Karen McKee
Karen McKee moved to Chestermere from Thunder Bay, Ontario in 2012. She and her husband of 42 years live a very active life with a family of 4 children and 1 grandson. Her earlier work career was in sales & marketing. In 2014 she became a Certified Coach Practitioner and in 2015 she formed her company PathwaysCoaching.
Karen volunteers in our community for multiple activities and events.
She is passionate about excellence in leadership and good governance and hopes to share that passion with others through her writing.
Columnists - Karen McKee
Hot Talk – Election Campaign Conduct
The Hot Topic this Week is: Election Campaign Conduct – Can we do better? “When you throw dirt at people you’re not doing a thing but losing ground.”Zig Ziglar...
There is an African proverb that teaches us “If you want to go fast, go alone. But if you want to go far, go together.” On October 18th we went to the...
The Hot Topic this Week is: Transparency & Accountability – Has it been delivered? During this election campaign one thing has become rather clear to me...
Columnists - Karen McKee
Hot Talk in the City!
The following opinions reflect my own thoughts, and do not represent any organization that I am connected to. The purpose and hope of this column is to present...