Author - Letters to the Editor

Letters to the EditorThe Anchor welcomes letters to the editor. Not all letters will be published. All letters must contain the author's complete name, phone number and/or address for verification purposes. Letters may be edited for grammar, spelling and length.
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Open letter to the city

An open letter to the city regarding the Council Meeting – February 18, 2016 Two key questions arose at the recent Chestermere City Council meeting of February...


Abide by the standards

Dear Editor, The Area Structure Plan for Langdon is being debated once again within the community with all aspects of the plan to be discussed at a meeting on...


Too much pressure

Even after weeks of trying to digest the news that Chestermere city council wants to annex 25,000 acres of Rocky View land, I am still in disbelief. They seem...


Map mistake

The staff at Chestermere City Hall might want to take a drive in the country to look at what they are trying to annex. On their annexation map, the eastern...

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