I write this letter in bitter frustration at the lack of common sense that has taken over our society. The latest and perhaps greatest example of this is the...
Author - Letters to the Editor
The Anchor welcomes letters to the editor. Not all letters will be published. All letters must contain the author's complete name, phone number and/or address for verification purposes. Letters may be edited for grammar, spelling and length.
Send your letters to: news@theanchor.ca
Received our annual nightmare tax bill from the city recently, although the increase was not surprising, it was none the less very disturbing. We have once...
Well here we are not even 6 months since becoming a city and what do I get in the mail? My tax assessment. A quick calculation of my monthly contribution...
On the afternoon of Wednesday, June 10, I learned that a former schoolmate of mine was killed the night before in a car accident at the corner of Highway 791...
I’ve seen a few letters to the editor regarding how “complicated” the new recycling and composting program is. And I have to say, I have the...
Think back to BEFORE Chestermere started the recycling program….. Chestermere has well over 5000 homes whose occupants put out at least one bag of...
The city needs to review their hiring practices. Just look at the disgusting state of the development on West Chestermere Dr. just south of the golf course...
In regards to Brian Brand’s letter to the editor. May 29, 2015 I have an idea – “BRIAN BRAND FOR MAYOR”!!!!! I totally agree with what...
As a twice daily user of the Highway 1 Range Road 281 intersection, I am very disappointed that the decision has been made to remove access to/from Highway 1...
I agree with all the comments about garbage privacy. Apparently CUI negotiated a bad deal with Calgary and now we have to clearly expose our garbage sins...