Without prejudge. As a concerned owner on West Chestermere Drive I have been wondering what happened to the 3rd reading re the two properties beside the new...
Author - Letters to the Editor
The Anchor welcomes letters to the editor. Not all letters will be published. All letters must contain the author's complete name, phone number and/or address for verification purposes. Letters may be edited for grammar, spelling and length.
Send your letters to: news@theanchor.ca
I recently had a craving for some fish & chips, so I thought, being a strong supporter of local business, I would go over and visit my friend John at...
Our deepest appreciation and thank you to the Town of Chestermere, M & M Meats and Lakeside Community Church for making available the Block Party Kits...
I have some comments on the letter to the editor that Mr. Priolo wrote in defense of re zoning his 2 properties in the town of Chestermere. Mr. Priolo wrote...
Good morning I have some comments on the letter to the editor that Mr. Priolo wrote in defense of re zoning his 2 properties in the town of Chestermere. Mr...
To the residents of Chestermere: I would like to respond to the previous letter from Mike Ranger that was published opposing the re-zoning of the 2 lots next...
Chestermere Lakefront Rezoning for Commercial Development We are adding our voices to the many who are appalled by the passing of first reading and now...
It is my opinion that taxes are expensive in Chestermere which is even more evident when you factor in the lack of services we have compared to our big...
The Town of Chestermere is set to approve a bylaw to rezone two residential properties at the north end of West Chestermere Drive for commercial use as:...
Dear Editor, Chestermere Historical Foundation was pleased to receive a small grant from United Way to provide educational sessions in 2014 to Prairie Waters...