Want to move to Airdrie? Maybe you won’t have to as Airdrie could be coming to you. At the November 18, 2013 meeting, Town Council gave first reading to...
Author - Letters to the Editor
The Anchor welcomes letters to the editor. Not all letters will be published. All letters must contain the author's complete name, phone number and/or address for verification purposes. Letters may be edited for grammar, spelling and length.
Send your letters to: news@theanchor.ca
Dear Friends in Chestermere and area, The Chestermere Regional Community Development Fund ( CRCDF) will be a registered Canadian charity acting as an umbrella...
My name is Dan Wiseman and I am submitting this in hopes of recovering my guitar that was stolen from my car at our place on 243052 Range Road 281 Tuesday...
How would you value the last phone call you made? Is it worth $172? A trip to the ER? A life? The question seems ridiculous, but looking around at my fellow...
Good Afternoon, My house backs on to the 11 hole of Lakeside greens across from Merganser and I am shocked that approximately 60 % plus of the drivers going...
The Chestermere After Grad Parent Committee would like to thank the following for their support in holding a safe and successful After Grad: Langdon Community...
I have read Mr. Ladha’s opinion regarding the flood situation in southern Alberta and I take exception to his views. Granted, his is an opinion column...
Why do we post a boat speed limit on the lake north of the bridge when there is no enforcement whatsoever. I also see show boaters speeding through under the...
My wife and I built our dream home and started a family in Westmere after moving from the city in 2005. Since I always take extra care in the look of my yard...
Dear Editor, Re: Recreation Open House March 22 2013 I felt sad after looking at the displays in the CRCA hall regarding the future of recreation facilities in...