I would like to too send out a big thank you to the rink attendant at the Chestermere Rec Center that found my sons glasses and turned them into the office...
Author - Letters to the Editor
The Anchor welcomes letters to the editor. Not all letters will be published. All letters must contain the author's complete name, phone number and/or address for verification purposes. Letters may be edited for grammar, spelling and length.
Send your letters to: news@theanchor.ca
Dear Chestermere Town Council and Town Planners, – Banks – Thanks for yet another bank being built in town, we now have almost as many banks as SE...
It is with great pride and excitement I want to congratulate Mr. Greg Bass and his support team at Rocky View School Division, in being selected as the Alberta...
Dear Editor I would like to draw attention to the following as it has been bothering me for a while. Maybe you can use it for an article, or else feel free to...
West Chestermere Drive re-paving..who is the brains behind this mess? What was supposed to be a couple of weeks inconvience has now been months. ( June)).and...
To the Editor, Once again as an Alberta taxpayer I find myself disgusted with the blatant mismanagement of our hard earned money. As if it wasn’t bad...
Dear Anchor, I as well as the rest of the residents on the street have had it with the construction on West Chestermere Drive. There is no reason why it...
Our daughter Jamie is turning 13 on September 27th, 2012. She is had her birthday party on Sunday September 23rd. Jamie has asked all that are invited to her...
Re:”Little Bow Continuing Care Centre” letter from Ian Donovan, MLA: There’s a remarkable irony in this appeal regarding the closure of a...
This year’s West Creek Pond block party was a huge success as there was a great turnout and wonderful weather. The success of the block party was...