Dear Editor, The article by Jeremy Broadfield with inputs from Ms Eldjarnson was spot on! “Shop Local” – and tell your friends- is the...
Author - Letters to the Editor
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Liberty is a right through Canada’s charter, it means to have freedom from arbitrary government control; arbitrary meaning not from a personal whim. We...
Dr Pouteaux writes a great article regarding Small Business Week. Small Businesses are the engine of the economy – recognized by all levels of government...
Dear Prime Minister Trudeau, Can we talk? Our relationship is at a crossroads. Funny, ‘relationship’ might be overstating things between us...
As a long term resident, I feel that we are entering the most important and challenging times in the history of Chestermere, and with this in mind, it becomes...
When I came to live here 44 Years ago, in the HAMLET of CHESTERMERE, a nice rural setting, Eastlakeview Rd was a gravel Rd with no...
Welcome to Alberta, the land of prosperity. But that wasn’t the case for my neighbours’ apple tree this year. An untimely frost caught the apple...
I’m a homeowner living on West Chestermere Drive. We are doing some home renovations and have a big blue garage bin in our front yard for demolition...
After attending the three council meetings held since the election, I continue to be impressed with the excellence and dedication of the City’s...
After reading the information package sent out by the city for the November 20th council meeting and the article in the Anchor (dated the 16th of November)...