Author - Nick Jeffrey

Nick Jeffrey

Columnists - Nick Jeffrey

Good Old Saint Paddy

While I wait out the 3rd wave of the pandemic from the safety of my windowless basement, the annual St. Patrick’s Day bacchanalia last week was the most sedate...

Columnists - Nick Jeffrey

Big Boots Brew Day

Last weekend marked International Women’s Day, which I observed in years past by visiting a few of the dozen or so craft breweries in Calgary that were...

Columnists - Nick Jeffrey

Canadian Whisky

Canadian Whisky has come a long way since the days of Mad Men, Prohibition, and the Napoleonic Wars.  With the 11th annual Canadian Whisky Awards...

Columnists - Nick Jeffrey

Big Beer Blues

Troubling times are ahead for Canada’s oldest brewer.  After laying off 500 people across North America a few years ago, Molson Breweries have once again...

Columnists - Nick Jeffrey

There’s No Place Like Rhône

As I remain safely locked in my wine cellar while awaiting the inevitable third wave of the pandemic, I am reacquainting myself with many different wines that...

Columnists - Nick Jeffrey

International Scotch Day

With the recent cold snap, I decided to continue with my pandemic response plan of hiding in the wine cellar until the world returns to normal, only...

Columnists - Nick Jeffrey

Mourv-ing On Up

As I continue with my pandemic response plan of hiding in my wine cellar until the world returns to normal, there have been many discoveries of long-forgotten...

Columnists - Nick Jeffrey

Ehren the Side of Caution

I have decided not to participate in 2021, so will be retreating into the wine cellar until the world has returned to normal.  While digging through some...

Columnists - Nick Jeffrey

Hankering for Haggis

I thought that things would change when we bid farewell to the dumpster fire of a year that was 2020, but January seems more like the 13th month of 2020 than...

Columnists - Nick Jeffrey

Pandemic W(h)ine

Can I get a refund for the year 2021?  The first week or so was even worse than 2020, so I am no longer interested in participating in 2021.  If you...

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