I can no longer remember life before COVID-19. As my self-isolation stretches into its eighth week, cabin fever has normalized behaviour like wearing a...
Author - Nick Jeffrey
Columnists - Nick Jeffrey
Malbec On The Deck
After nearly two months of isolation at home, wearing pajama pants with a collared shirt for videoconferences no longer seems to be a breach of business...
Columnists - Nick Jeffrey
An Apple A Day
Having been ensconced in my windowless basement home office for nigh on six weeks of isolation now, I am beginning to feel like Sméagol transforming into...
Columnists - Nick Jeffrey
Easter Beer
Easter weekend has just passed us by, marking the end of the season of Lent. The more devout readers in the audience may have spent the 40 days of Lent...
Columnists - Nick Jeffrey
International Whisk(e)y Day
This past March 27 was a day filled with both solemnity and mirth, as well as no small amount of whisky. For those not in the know, March 27 was the 12th...
Columnists - Nick Jeffrey
Dear diary, today is the 25th day of isolation at home, and the keg of homebrew I started on day 1 is almost ready to be tapped. And to think they called...
Columnists - Nick Jeffrey
Hard Seltzer For Hard Times
While battening down the hatches to prepare for the possibility of an extended stay at home in isolation, I made a resupply run to my friendly neighbourhood...
Columnists - Nick Jeffrey
Pink Boots & Beer
Last weekend marked International Women’s Day, which I observed by visiting a few of the dozen or so craft breweries in Calgary that were celebrating the...
Columnists - Nick Jeffrey
Side By Side
I drove up the QE2 to Edmonton last weekend to visit some friends, and made sure to make a few stops on the so-called Alberta Ale Trail to visit a few of the...
Columnists - Nick Jeffrey
Dinosaur Beer
I had out-of-town guests last week, so made the rounds of the usual tourist destinations. One of our stops was the Royal Tyrell Museum in Drumheller, so...