Author - Nick Jeffrey

Nick Jeffrey

Columnists - Nick Jeffrey

Passion for Passchendaele

Many Chestermerians are recovering Calgarians, or at least have a passing familiarity with the big city to the west. As a transplanted Maritimer, the first...

Columnists - Nick Jeffrey

88 To Life

1988 was a very good year.  The Olympics were in Calgary.  I had an awesome 80s proto-pompadour hairdo, and was swaddled in the day-glo fabrics of that were...

Columnists - Nick Jeffrey

Alberta Rum

Canada is not particularly famous for producing rum, and Alberta even less so.  I’m not even sure that we can lay claim to the Screech from Newfoundland...

Columnists - Nick Jeffrey

An Apple A Day

Faithful readers may recall that I try to make an annual pilgrimage to the Okanagan Valley, that heavenly little spot of Canadian wine country that is close...

Columnists - Nick Jeffrey

Heavenly BeereaH

History buffs may recall that monasteries were some of the first organizations to brew beer on a regular basis. Way back in the Middle Ages, a French order of...

Columnists - Nick Jeffrey

Never Go Alone

My great grandpa came to Canada on a boat with a herd of Jersey cows. He paid his way by taking care of the cows on the long voyage from the island of Alderney...

Columnists - Nick Jeffrey

Stampede Beer

The uncomfortable boots have come off.  The faded blue wranglers that seem to get a bit tighter around the midsection have been returned to the box they live...

Columnists - Nick Jeffrey

Sibling Rivalry

Cleopatra and Ptolemy.  Cain and Abel.  Sherlock and Mycroft.  Ann Landers and Dear Abby.  Bart and Lisa.  History is full of great sibling rivalries. The...

Columnists - Nick Jeffrey

Kelowna Wines

With the trade wars jacking up prices on imported goods, I am again reminded of the wisdom of thinking globally, but drinking locally. Alberta is blessed with...

Columnists - Nick Jeffrey

Wild Rosé Country

In the days of my squandered youth, I made many regrettable boozing choices.  There was Drummond Draft, Vodka Slimes, Blue Mondays, and many others too...